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3 Nov 2016
Turkish travel photographer Mehmet Genç that goes by the name Rotasiz Seyyah translated as "nomad without a route" travels around the world taking portraits of people. He takes two pictures - one before and another one after saying them that they are beautiful. The results are amazing. He calls this photo series "You Are So Beautiful." Check them out.
Colin Lowe is an amateur photographer from Albany who decided to do a little experiment with a potato. He actually turned it into a functional camera and went around Albany taking pictures. People thought it as some joke but here are the photos proving that his “invention” works.
Here are the before and after shots of people who stopped drinking. Of course, a lot of them also exercised to be in good shape, but still, just giving up alcohol has transformed their faces. Have a look.
All of us did something stupid financially speaking at one point in our lives, so I can relate.
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NSFW 2 Nov 2016
Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s one of the important things that our parents and teachers tell us when we grow up. Apparently, no one ever told this woman about it. Because back in July of 2013 when she saw Luc Perreault, a motorcycle-enthusiast covered with tattoos, she made a snap judgment about him. But Luc wrote a beautiful answer on Facebook to this rude mother after their encounter.
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NSFW 2 Nov 2016
Posted in
NSFW 2 Nov 2016
Yanet Garcia, 25, is a weather reporter on Monterrey’s news channel which happens to have the highest ratings in Mexico. I think it is not a coincidence…
This man can be proudly called the father of the year for making real Halloween night for his daughter on an airplane. Little Molly, 3, was really sad that she was going to miss trick-or-tricking because he was taking a flight with her dad. But that’s when her dad had an excellent idea…
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VIDEO 2 Nov 2016
Posted in
VIDEO 2 Nov 2016
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FUNNY 2 Nov 2016
Posted in
2 Nov 2016
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NSFW 2 Nov 2016