Some Things You Should Know About Animals…Or Shouldn’t (12 pics + 8 gifs)

Posted in INTERESTING       5 Sep 2018       4732       GALLERY VIEW

A snail has over 2000 teeth.


The American bison is the only animal in which both lungs share a common cavity. In every other animal the lungs are separated. What this meant is that when shot by an arrow, both lungs would collapse and the buffalo would suffocate quickly. (For other animals, being shot in the chest would only collapse one lung, and they would at least have a chance) That’s why such a large animal could be taken down with relatively small weapons.


The Greenland shark reaches sexual maturity at 150 years old and lives 300-500 years.


Fish have been seen using tools – deliberately hitting a clam with a rock to get it to open so they can eat it.


People thought the okapi was a hoax until it was photographed. In parts of Sumatra it is believed that the orangutan can speak and refuses to do so because they don’t want to work.


There’s an insect called the scorpion fly that impresses mates by bringing them prey to eat. The bigger the meal, the better.

Only, some scorpion flies aren’t that great at catching food. So some of these males will imitate females, and wait for other males to bring them their gifts. Then they take the gift, fly away, and give it to an actual female.


Some fish (eels and groupers) form hunting partnerships where they communicate across the species barrier with specific signals to put their individual strengths to work (the eels chase prey out of crevices to where the groupers are waiting in open water).


Ants breed and domesticate aphids around their colonies, so they can drink their milky secretions. Aphids are ant cows. So ladybugs, then, would be like ant chupacabras.


Seals will get seasick if you put them on a boat.


Dragonflies have the best successful kill rate of any creature on earth.


Opossums were originally found in the eastern and central parts of the United States until the 1930s when they were intentionally transported to the Western portion to be used as food during the Great Depression.


Cheetas are so closely related to each other that you can freely transplant organs between all members of their species without needing immunosuppression.


There aren’t a lot of bees in Australia, so for pollenation plants relied on birds. Birds see the colour red better, which in turn increased the flora reproduction rate – this is why a lot of plants are red in Australia.


Sloth hands work opposite to ours. They have to exert energy to open their “fist” and relax to close it. This is how they can hang from trees while they’re sleeping and not fall off.


Flatworms are male and fence with their penises.

The loser gets stabbed with the winners penis and becomes pregnant.


Polar bears are so efficient at storing Vitamin A, consuming polar bear liver can cause death….one polar bear liver contains enough Vitamin A to kill 52 adult humans.


Naked mole rats are very fkn weird animals.

They dont feel pain at all, except for chilli.

They can survive 30min without oxygen.

They cant regulate their body temperature.

Their incisors can work independently.

Noone has ever found cancer in a mole rat. They are thought to be immune to it.

They can live for 30 years.


Some squid have toroid shaped (donut) brains, and their esophagus (throat) passing through it. If they eat something too big they can get brain damage.


Gorillas will masturbate after they win a fight against another Gorilla.


On ostrich farms, some farmers have a hard time with breeding because the ostrich is more attracted to humans than other ostriches.

That’s right, somewhere out there an ostrich wants to fuck you.








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