A marine Pokémon?
Nope, it’s just a glass ball covered in sea shells.
A car part found in a place where a cyclist was hit by an unidentified vehicle that didn’t stop
Reddit users identified the part as being from a mid-1980s Chevy. The driver was later arrested.
“I found this book in my aunt’s house, it’s got really weird writing. What is it?”
It’s a book with encoded Masonic text.
Shoes for a giant
Nothing strange here, just a size 20 shoe.
Izismile Videos
“What is this thing under the kitchen counter of my new apartment?”
It’s an arc chute, a set of insulating barriers on a circuit breaker arranged to confine the electrical arc and prevent it from causing damage.
“Found this when fishing in Latvia, weighs more than 250 lbs. Maybe an old bomb?”
It’s a naval mine produced in 1887. These mines were used during World War I.
A transparent leaf
You actually can make a transparent leaf on your own. You’ll need a brush, a pan, and sodium carbonate.
“Is it an old school camera?”
It’s an old box camera Kodak No 2A.
“Inherited this table from my dad. He used it as a sofa back for years.”
“Machine tool?”
It’s an old ratchet threader.
“Found at work, very hard and has hair on it.”
It’s the fruit from the Osage orange (or hedge apple) tree.
“This weird foldable hook. No idea what year it’s from.”
It’s a pocket fishing spear.
“An extremely durable ball”
It’s called Wiggly Giggly. It’s a toy for kids, but people usually buy them for their dogs because they are really durable.
“Some driver hit one of our neighbor’s horses. I would appreciate it if I could find out what this car part went to.”
Internet users identified that it was Plymouth Reliant released at the end of the 1980s.
“Found some sort of a door. Any idea what it’s used for?”
It’s still unknown what this was used for. Some people think it’s an old lime kiln, others claim it’s a cellar or a bomb shelter.
“Found this tall wooden box, it’s open on one end with a hole on the other end. What is this for?”
It’s a box to store wine.
“My grandma got this in Japan years ago.”
“Noticed this weird thing on the side of this car near the light in London.”
It’s for attaching a flag when used by diplomats.