These cheesy beans on toast for which you have to grate the cheese yourself with a mini grater.
This crab mousse served in a fallen-over flowerpot lying on a plank.
These veganic sprouted brown rice cacao crisps.
This fried breakfast served on an actual fucking spade.
Izismile Videos
Kale AND quinoa popcorn, because one stereotype is not enough.
This muesli, which is made out of flowers instead of food.
This delicious burger, thoughtfully served on weighing scales so you get to feel terrible for the entire time you're eating it!
These ice cream cones, which seem perfectly fine until you get to "pine".
Brusselmole. Brussels sprout guacamole.
Not terrible enough for you? Try Kaleamole!
This prawn cocktail that comes in a bin.
Prosecco and elderberry flavour crisps.
These lamb chops and potatoes crammed into a fucking tumbler.
This actual coconut with a ring pull.
Sustainable smoked eel bruschetta.
This "deconstructed Vietnamese sandwich".
This lovely* refreshing** pint of spaghetti bolognese.
This cauliflower and kale taco.
These green chicken, lemon, and kale sausages.
Cactus Jerky.
Bonus: This beer that doesn't come with a ring pull. Instead there's a special opener you have to use to punch a hole in the top yourself.