They say doctors have bad handwriting but at least they can read it!
For anyone who’s had problems giving a number for the “pain scale” — they finally made a sign!
If only the medical aisle was always this easy to navigate...
Medical practitioners always find a way to use “cheat-sheets” during surgery.
This is actually a way of letting the nurses know a patient is allergic to nuts...but it’s probably best to ask the psych ward if they’re missing anyone.
We’re not sure why this hospital has a tiny door, but elves need medical help just like the rest of us.
Seriously, why do medicine bottles have to look so alike?
Congratulations! It’s a bunny!
Honestly, it’s impressive someone managed to find a tiny stool to even make this joke.
“My mom’s 3D-printed cast — she can even take a shower with it!”
“A manuscript-length receipt for my nasal spray. Thanks, CVS.”
Pills can do amazing things...this one helps take photos inside of you!
A riddle for the ages: would you like the nurse to find your veins the old-fashioned way or with infrared light?
“Going to the doctor in Korea — this strip is just one day’s worth of pills. And yes, that’s Hello Kitty.”
Why would you even have the blinds open?
Why does this medication need 2 bottles?
American children have bubblegum-flavored medicine...the French have red wine-flavored medicine.
Always give generic medicine a chance...your wallet will thank you.
Modern medicine is amazing...something as tedious as putting in eye drops never looked so easy!
If you ever wondered how they X-rayed babies, now you know.