My grandma’s fix for a broken AC unit
Ah, the smell of college
Home Depot painted their succulents
Izismile Videos
Baby cradle, built with baby’s safety in mind
“12 Hot Glue Gun Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind“
No HOA in our new neighborhood.
Ride on the Magic PoolBus
Was outside with my vomiting dog and nearly vomited myself
A solution to that pesky leak in my parking garage
Ruining a perfectly good record to make a bowl. I can’t be the only one who thinks this is a terrible idea.
Steering is a little screwy
who needs so many toilet rolls???
a diy car repair
Cardboard is the new bondo!
For a mere $40USD, you too could use a dead toad as a coin purse
My mom learned about making cement hands from a crafts video. We need to save her.
“fixed” the AC in the van.
Security as seen in Montreal
I hear using birch makes things classy