Yeah, And Your Kid Is Perfect… (9 pics + 12 gifs)

Posted in PICTURES       15 Aug 2019       3648       GALLERY VIEW

One of my (child) patients spit on my face once when I asked him what got him into trouble at school. His mother was right besides him and she said nothing until I glared at her for like 5 seconds. After which she pretended to scold the child.


Had a parent once refute video evidence of her child striking another child because “that’s not what her son said happened.”


I once taught a child who was occasionally very disruptive. I had to ring the parents to tell them how this child had kicked, punched and then spat on a classmate after a football disagreement.

The mum replied with ‘I know he hits people and kicks people every now and again, that’s just what he does… But my child would never spit at anyone, he’s far too nice’…..


I was accused of slaming a door into a teenage student’s face.

It didn’t happen. The CCTV showed it didn’t happen. The door had a fire safety feature meaning it could not be slammed.

The mum still claimed her precious son would never lie – so me, cameras and physics must be wrong!


Izismile Videos

Running onto a soccer field to scream at the referee about a call and getting banned from athletics for a year. That mother was a treat.


While I’ve never been a traditional teacher, I did give swimming lessons.

Most of my students (and their parents) were very appreciative of how I conducted my classes, but there was one woman who seemed utterly convinced that I was doing her child a disservice. The boy in question was afraid of putting his head beneath the water – which is a common-enough problem – so we had been slowly working through various ways of helping him overcome that fear. Unfortunately, every single time that his mother was nearby, she would scream about how I had “no right” to “force” her son to do anything, after which she would loudly address him as though nobody else was within earshot.

“Are you okay, honey?” she’d ask. “You remember what Mommy said, okay? You do not listen to that man. You are perfect, and you do not let anyone tell you otherwise! Okay? Tell me that you hear me.”


My favorite teacher story is about a teacher who taught 9th grade and a kid brought a pocket knife into my class and was showing it off, the resource officer (police officer in school) “detained” the child until his parents came where they claimed that “the teacher planted the knife on him to get expel him to make the average gpa at the school higher” I was told the student had failing grades.


At a social event at someone’s house, a toddler was chasing the host’s cat and pulling her tail. The cat whapped her one, cue screaming toddler. The mother (she was a true horror of a woman) scoops her up to comfort her; I figured the kid learned a life lesson not to hurt others or she might get hurt back.

Nope. Mom tracked down the cat and held her down while telling the toddler to get the cat back by hitting her. I stared in horror as mom imparted her own life lesson to the child: ‘remember, if anyone ever hurts you you hurt them back twice as bad!’



Taught previously, but this is as a parent: Our son, who is 3, is in school. His classmate “Winnie” and her mom “Louisa” are the worst people you’ve ever met. First, Winnie has a restrictive diet for no other reason than her parents want to try it. They will send a list of “approved” foods and quantities for her with the expectation that all leftovers are to be put in tupperware and given to Winnie to take home. The food is so odd and weird that we wouldn’t eat it anyway, but that’s the expectation.

If Winnie is at a party, Winnie must win at least 50% of the games, even if there are 20 kids. Winnie must be served first. She must have extra time when playing with children and Winnie must not be, under any circumstances, told what not to do.

The kids of this class have parties and Winnie was invited twice and then not. Her mother flew off the handle and sent a nasty letter to parents about how this was unjust and her Darling Winnifred was crying at being left out. Her daughter has no boundaries, is unruly, rude, difficult and eats what can only be described as pre-vomit.


The WORST was when I called a kid’s parents because he was harassing several girls and exhibiting violent behavior towards other kids in class.

Had a parent teacher conference about it with all of his teachers and the dean of students present, and in the end his dad said, “I know he’s doing this but you have to understand, it isn’t him. It’s the devil taking over his body.”


I was an SAT/ACT instructor for a little while before becoming a lecturer. I was teaching a summer SAT test prep class. Now, this is a class that people pay for so that their kids can get practice. Students learn test-taking skills and take several rounds of SAT tests to get practice.

I had one student who received a fairly high score on one of the practice tests near the end of the class, and his mother berated me because he got an A+ on his essay, but not a perfect score. She was literally yelling and complained that I’m obviously not competent at my job. She complained to the owner of the company as well, and he said that she went on about how I’m not exactly a superstar because I didn’t go to an ivy league and I’m just a loser teaching SAT classes. It was pretty cold-hearted.


One kid stole another kids shoe. Parents came in the next morning, I told them what happened. They denied he took anything. Opened his backpack, there was the shoe. They blamed me.



I had a student in 5th grade. He had a history of misbehavior dating back to the first week of kindergarten. He would regularly shout insults at other students, threaten them, refused to do any work, and on several occasions, yelled at me and once threw a chair.

Oh and once, where he physically assaulted another kid, he was suspended for a day. Mommy took him to Disney World.


I once had a mother approach me before I had a chance to speak with her. She was livid that her son had banged up hands. I began to explain that there had been a disagreement with another child when the mother interrupted me to yell “so you let my son get hurt because some other kid doesn’t like him?!” She off on how we were allowing her son to be bullied, we didn’t care if he was hurt, on and on.

Eventually she had to take a breath and I managed to explain that her son had attempted to punch another kid in the face but he had wound up for the punch so dramatically that the other child managed to move out of the way and her son ended up grazing a tree trunk instead.


Kid consistently came to class stoned. His jacket reeked of weed. I called the mom already and she told me that her kid promised that he did not use drugs. Fair enough, I’m not the police, if the mom doesn’t care then it goes way down on my priority list.

He gets suspended a few times for having drugs on him. Mom hires lawyers and appeals every suspension, because her kid was just holding drugs for friends. Some actually get overturned because the evidence is thin and administration doesn’t want to deal with mom and lawyers, but some of them stick.


I taught at a school in a mega-affluent community. Colossally wealthy families that lived in castles; very powerful and influential people. Most of the kids were lovely, but there were plenty of s@#ts, and some were just downright unbelievable. It wasn’t the kids’ fault, mind you – they were just spoiled to the point of being devoid of common sense and reality.

One particular boy, who we’ll call Francis, had basically given up on school. He knew he was set for life and put zero effort into anything. At one point, his grades were so poor that his parents – completely aloof and dependent upon Francis’ team of au pairs (Francis called his parents by their first names, mind you) – proposed buying passing grades so that Francis could move on to the next grade. The principal told me that during their meeting, dad pulled out the checkbook and asked for an amount.



I was a TA in a kindergarten classroom and had reminded this little kid(5M) in April (over halfway through the school year) about our rule that we only have healthy snacks at snack time. He started whining and crying about how his mom lets him have cookies whenever he wants.

Anyway, the teacher steps in and mentions that he has a delicious looking apple in his lunch bag. He then gets up, throws a chair and begins to flip tables and tear the class apart while telling the teacher his mom is going to bring a gun and shoot her.

At this moment a threat has been issued so we bring in the principal. She gets there and begins an effort to talk the student down to no avail. The mother is then called… No answer. Of course. So we send this kid with the principal and go about our day. After school is over the teacher, principal and I start putting together an email to the parent.

I get to school the next day and the teacher shows me the response. The first line read “Why didn’t you just let him have the cookie?!” and it went on to say that “you as educators are not doing our job if her child is getting as angry as he is. It is our job to keep him from getting mad and we failed at it today.”

That day he came in and told us that mommy bought him a new Lego set…


I had a student in kindergarten who regularly punched other students, ran around the room, and refused to do work. His mother called for a conference, and the first thing she said was that his behavior was my fault. She had him switched out of my class. Thank god!


My first year of teaching I taught early elementary, but had to teach a single grade 7 options class where I saw the students 2x a week for 40 minutes. I had one student who didn’t hand in a project and marked him accordingly. Parent-teacher night came and mom shows up. She closes the door, spends 5 minutes addressing her sons marks and asking about whether he could still hand in the project to which I replied “sure”.

She then spends 20 minutes telling me her son thinks I hate him and how everyone and I mean EVERYONE loves her son. She went on long rambling stories about former teachers, coaches… etc and how everyone really loves him and I just really need to spend some time with him so I would see how special he was.


Pre-K student brought in a knife from home, chased around another student with it, then punched him in the face, which resulted in a very bloody and bruised nose (this all happened within seconds during recess).

When I contacted the parents of the knife-child, they said, and I’m not even kidding, “What did you do to make my son bring in a knife to school and punch another kid in the face?” Then they threatened to call the Superintendent to get my teaching license revoked for wrongly accusing their child of hurting another student. Yep, good ol’ parents.










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