“This projector that comes down from a ceiling tile.”
“Shirts made from plastic bottles.”
“I had a Clementine for lunch today… It had no fruit.”
“The wool of an Australian Merino sheep.”
Izismile Videos
“My Computer Science University has vending machines for spare parts.”
“This restaurant that I’m at has a dog menu.”
“This restaurant in Italy have a salami hose.”
“These steps I found while hiking are carved out of a fallen tree.”
“A squirrel has been stuffing this sign post full of acorns for the winter.”
“This penny I found from 1902.”
“This three story dog house I saw that someone built.”
“Random picture of Steven Tyler with some guy in a book I bought from Goodwill.”
“The real grass that has sprouted up in the corners of this fake grass.”
“I got a package in the mail today and the bubble wrap was heart-shaped.”
“The bank gave me a dollar from 1957.”
“My milk carton has a level indicator.”
“The S in Shell caught on fire and burned.”
“My robotics teacher has a 1948 Olympic torch.”
“A stand for bikers to hold on to while waiting for the traffic lights in Sweden.”
Hourglass light.
“Found an old school video store with literally thousands of horror movies on VHS.”
“Soaked a gummy worm in water for a day.”
“This bee hive I found this morning.”
This house is sideways.
Ghostly imprints of pigeons that flew into a window where I work.”
“Found a tide pod with no soap inside it in the container.”
“The way this knot in my wall looks like a dog.”
Bettor Turns $20 Bet into $40k After Hitting on a 12 Team Parlay.
In-N-Out Secret Menu.
Euthanasia Coaster.
Photo trickery.
Tinder in Saudi Arabia.
The progression of this guy’s mugshot over 9 years.
Canadian police officers meditating before they start their day.
Menu for first class passengers in the Titanic.
Menu for third class passengers in the Titanic.
Sometimes Blu-ray can remove the illusion.
The Ascension of Christ, painting by Salvador Dali, 1958.
Richard Pierce – 14 years of age, works as a Western Union Telegraph Messenger. With nine months of service. He works from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Smokes. Visits houses of prostitution. Wilmington, Delaware, ca. May 1910.
Various bullet calibers cut in half.
An orange alligator was spotted in Hanahan, S.C. Josh Zalabak at the South Carolina Aquarium says his orange color is not natural, and it might be caused by a variety of factors.
'Dazzle' camouflage which was used during WW1 and 2 to confuse enemy submarines and U-Boats. The camouflage made it difficult for enemy vessels to estimate a target's range, speed, and heading.
Light reflected on a puddle looks like another planet.
Effects of psychoactive drugs on the web-making ability of spiders.
This is the clearest image of Mars to date.
The Bailong glass elevator (Zhangjiajie China) 1,070 ft tall.
800 year old temple of Ta Prohm, Cambodia.
This HDR image of the solar eclipse in 2017 was recently released for the first time, and it shows one of the most detailed depictions of a solar corona ever taken.
A huge dragon-shaped aurora developed in the sky over Iceland earlier this month and was captured by Jingyi Zhang & Wang Zheng.
Olympus Mons on Mars is a shield volcano that is 2 1/2 times the size of Mount Everest above sea level.