This incredibly good girl bit her diabetic owner to wake her up after her blood sugar had gone up.
This woman is comforting a homeless man experiencing distress, as she waits for the paramedics to arrive.
This man started a charity where students can donate a meal from their meal plan to those in need.
Every night this coffee shop leaves burritos for the homeless
This boy saved his family from a gas leak
A grandmother knitted 3,000 of these for children going to the doctor or the hospital
Therapy dogs in Italy eagerly waiting to meet their respective children
This good girl is nursing a tiny kitten her owner rescued
Kind people filled bags with school supplies and stuffed animals and gave them to kids.
These guys take toy donations for unprivileged children
Waiter helps feeding disabled lady, so her husband can eat
This protester holding an umbrella for a reporter is something you don’t see every day.
Stranger offers to hold crying baby, so a couple can enjoy dinner
Willie is a true hero.
He heard his favorite basketball player got injured, so he gave him a note, cookies and a hug
Every year a kind man offers clothes and shoes to those in need
A homeless woman caught someone stealing my bike so I had her and her son over for Christmas
This Egyptian fan is being lifted up by Mexican and Colombian fans so he can watch his country play.
This good girl chased away a bear to protect her owner and cat.
A woman and her beautiful guide dogs
A heart recipient letting a mom listen to her daughter’s heartbeat one more time
His 84-year-old grandmother felt like she had to apologize for wearing a nightgown in front of her family. The young man immediately tried making her feel better and said that it wasn’t a problem and that it looked comfortable. So, she invited him to wear one too and naturally, he accepted!
She was eating all alone, so he offered to join her.
We’re sure this has made somebody’s day better.
This pier was very special to this man and his wife. She passed away years ago and ever since then he’s been taking her picture to the very same spot where they fell in love.
This 14-year-old blind dog has his own guide-human.