For years, Reddit users have been sorting images into two categories: "blessed" and "cursed". But no more...
If you didn't know, blursed = blessed + cursed. It's Reddit speak for a picture that brings you joy and comfort, BUT also creeps you out or confuses you. It's "blursed". Here are some of the funniest examples from subreddit r/BlursedImages.
Meet "Gooby" or "Oofy".
Harry Potter and the blursed child.
Big Pepper energy.
The most blursed face swap ever.
Straight outta Trafalgar Square.
An annoying egg.
Yvan eht nioj.
Worst glitch of my life.
The real Cannibal Corpse.
Sad Woody.
See you again, Weasley.
Excuse me ma'am, this is business class.
Blursed Aquaman.
Essential reading for the blursed.
Nike drop.
TFW you lose to a bunch of bananas.
An actual screenshot.
The assassination of Crumb.