“I honked at him and told him his tailgate was open and he was about to lose stuff, he flipped me off.”
“This woman has a bumper sticker that says “I am MADD because a drunk driver killed my sister”. She is driving while smoking a huge blunt and on her phone. (Quickly snapped at a stop light) after the light turned green she about T-boned a mail van.”
Izismile Videos
“Idiot tries to overtake the military convoy.”
“Idiot in mustang driving up snowy pass without chains or snow tires completely stuck.”
“They lost about 2 dozen loaves of bread, including one that hit my windshield. It’s 20 degrees out.”
“Some idiot ran up onto the poles at Sonic…”
“She said she couldn’t figure out how to let go of the gas. “
“Saw this on a facebook group I’m in that sells stuff locally. She was Driving 82mph and decided to take pictures of her Rayban Sunglasses and post them up for sale.”