“My great-great grandfather’s sword.”
“Original brickwork from 1780 preserved in a beauty shop.”
“These fold out chairs in the hospital I’m at.”
“A block of wood that’s been electrocuted.”
“The janitor’s area in this bathroom is behind a hidden wall.”
“The book I ordered Monday was made on Monday.”
“This deformed Corona Extra bottle from Mexico.”
“Daughter found the largest blackberry I’ve ever seen.”
“The grass has gently been brushing away the dust from this rock in my yard for years.”
“Someone made a snow dragon on my campus.”
A Target without aisles.
“My kitchen floor has a built-in cooler..”
“This orchid really looks like an eagle.”
“Cardboard tents you can buy at the music festival I’m at.”
“Left: A painting from 1892, right: the same spot in 2020.”
“My cat sitting on the back of my chair makes it look like she’s wearing a leather jacket.”
“My cat’s facial colouring looks like a hand flipping you off.”
“This ceiling in a restaurant designed to look like a night sky.”
“How evenly toasted my bread came out today.”
“I learned today that my school’s new science and technology building has thermochromic tables.”
“Subway celebratory champagne.”
“This Disney janitor swept leaves into a Mickey shape.”
“This metal keyboard at my neighborhood’s medical center.”
“The way the shadows look between my coffee mugs.”
“This stop sign has an extra stop sign.”
“Guy used his D. I. Y. Skills to make his TV look like a giant Nintendo switch.”
“It looks like I’m driving directly into Windows XP.”
Prosthetic leg progression.
Foreboding mammatus clouds over Texas.
United States National Archives Records Service punch card storage. This is what 4 GB of data looked like in 1959.
The face of a 100 year old turtle.
An example of Damage That Space Junk can do. This is an aluminum slab damaged by a speck just under 6mm with weight 14 grams. And that crater is full 13cm deep!
You are here (Taken from Mars)
The last photo of all four Beatles together, August 22, 1969.
Psylocybin Cyanescens, one of the strongest psychedelic mushrooms on Earth.
“I just found out the cute Leopard Shark is a thing.”
The 384,400 km distance from Earth to the Moon, the furthest humans have ever traveled, vs the size of our Sun.
Ant Man IRL.
The first usable hard drive from IBM from 1956- all of 5 megabytes. You couldn’t buy it, but you could lease it for $3200/month!
This first-ever picture of Jupiter's south pole.
He created a traffic jam on google maps everywhere he went.
Eclipsed moon shot at an ice castle in Midway, Utah.
The oldest customer complaint we currently know of.
“We have a chicken that lays blue eggs.”
This is a night sky petunia.
“This is what happens to an orange if left in an extremely dry climate. Found in southeast Colorado.”
Earth seen from Voyager 1, over 4 billion miles away.
“There is a 4000 year old rock formation in Saudi Arabia called A1-Naslaa, which appeared to be cut in half with laser like precision. They aren’t exactly sure how that happened.”