“I own a 2000-year-old Roman coin.”
“A cutting board in my restaurant after 5 years of use”
Mt. Fuji recently — a rare lenticular cloud
This is a door lock inside of a building that was built in 1545.
Sand Pendulum records 5.7 earthquake waves
This rock looks like a piece of good steak
Natural snow rolls caused by wind
The Moon decided to be Saturn for a while.
This is what happens to aluminum when a 1/2 oz piece of plastic hits it at 15,000 mph in space.
The colors of Peru, South America
A storm literally picked up and moved this road.
Salvador Dali Ménagère silver cutlery set from 1957
This is the World’s Largest Flower. It’s native to Southeast Asia as also very smelly.
Wonderful amethyst
Rhodotus Palmatus fungi look like brains.
Perfect geometrical patterns
That’s what an x-ray of a pregnant cat looks like.