“I made a Hexastix.”
“My cat’s leopard fur.”
“The shadow of my keys looks like someone clinging on for dear life.”
“Wooden puzzle in the shape of a wine bottle.”
“I caught all of the rings in my son’s Dino water game.”
“Unusual car spotted at a Pacific Mall in Toronto.”
“This bird set off my front door camera.”
“This clock uses steel balls to show the time.”
“This freshly molted cicada.”
“My girlfriend’s Siamese cats sleep together like this all the time.”
“This large basil leaf that I grew.”
“These flowers look like they are fleeing the flowerpot while screaming.”
A Texas nugget.
“Snow rolling off my shed.”
“My brother found a bunch of vertebrae bones on the beach and put them back together like a puzzle.”
“Neighbor built this neat greenhouse out of salvage to windows & doors.”
“This infinite oil spray logo.”
“This vintage pitcher and cup set with the kool aid man on them.”
“16th century ship anchor..”
“Found these LEGO dudes embedded in the sidewalk on my street.”
This giant onion.
“Stapler with a staple remover that can tuck in the back.”
“This jar in the back of my pantry looks like it says “Raw Butt Hole””
“Cannon ball stuck in a wall from the Revolutionary War.”
“Blood orange slice with a color gradient from red to yellow.”
“Our cat was sitting behind the blinds.”
“This glass skull has turned from clear to pink over 7 years of sitting on a sunny windowsill.”
“Ancient Mew “Error” Card. It says Nintedo instead of Nintendo on the bottom.”
“A group of baby Easter bunnies I found while walking my dog on Easter Sunday (soda can for reference)”
“This clock at my grandparents’ house is backward so it faces the right way in the mirror when you’re getting ready.”
“Owning a hairless cat occasionally results in nightmare material.”
“My dogs unintentionally matched the hotel comforter.”
This woodcut looks like an ostrich.
“The skyline looks like a forest trail at the top of the tree line.”
“Erosion makes it seem like someone carefully placed a rock everywhere they could.”
“My mom cracked 4 eggs with 2 yolks in each. What are the odds?”
“A bunch of fungi saying hi.”
“My dog looks like the dog in the sample pic.”
A hummingbird nest that fits on top of a pine cone.
“All 4 of my cats’ paws have unique black/pink combinations.”
“This owl I found resembling its protection sign.”
Color gradient moss.
The carpet at this airport looks like an aerial view of the ground from the window of an airplane.
“I refilled my soap dispensers with new and different brands. The density caused the old soap on the bottom to rise, making it look like fungi.”
“The pattern on my dog’s chest looks like a cat mid-sneeze.”
“The scratch on my mom’s car looks like 4 people on a canoe.”
“My tomato got a cut while growing and stitched itself back together.”
This house has a guard turkey.
“My homemade orange juice smiled back at me this morning.”
“Our dog’s paw looks like a mini-version of him.”
The picture of the Japanese movie advertisement is printed on 2 sides of the newspaper so the full picture could be seen under some light.
“Look how big my dog’s tongue is!”
This unicorn picture looks totally different in the mirror.
“My black cat looks like my white cat’s shadow.”
“I took a mildly well-timed picture of a camel.”
“Unlikely neighbors — bird and wasp nests attached to each other.”
“My iris has rings in it.”