And That Is A… What? (20 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       25 Jun 2020       8005       8 GALLERY VIEW

Almost like a cup? Pottery of some sort. What’s it for?

A: It’s called an Orgy Horn Mug, or Orgy Mug. Its intention is to get everyone drunk and horny, apparently. You find them a lot at souvenir-type shops

Found this in a wooded area near where the military used to store explosives during WWII in the U.S. There are 3 of them about 4 feet apart and roughly 15 feet from the road. “1941” and “The Kennedy” markings.

A: I’m a firefighter. I don’t have specialized knowledge as far as codes and regulations go as a fire marshal would, but I’ve received enough training and have enough experience on the subject to chime in. I can say with 100% certainty, if installed properly for it’s intended use, it’s for fire suppression.

Thermoclockandar? It was on the sidewalk for passersby.

A: It’s a chart recorder


Found this in the woods at a cabin. It’s near a old logging site the only marking on it is “129” it has a ceramic piece in the cylinder above the handle with a small exposed wire im the middle

A: Top part of a drop out fuse for a powerline

Looks like an old cigarette case to me. Anyone know what it is/where it’s from?

A: Chinese flip top cigarette case c. 1900-1930.

I got a bag containing 6 of these from China. I have no idea why! What are they?

A: Rose of Jericho (Resurrection Plant, Dinosaur Plant, Jericho Rose)

Wooden, hand painted set found in a box of miscellaneous items. Sizing details in pic, oblong piece to left is flat while two needles are round.

A: Bullroarer on the left + aboriginal clapsticks on the right. “Tourist art” from Australia.


Wooden base plate with some type of coil o top, and two brass(?) Cylinders attached with a cord.

A: Medical quackery shock therapy device.

It does not stand on its own because the round part at the bottom is actually cone-shaped.

A: It’s a candle holder for a large glass olive demijohn


Looks like a hood ornament, bought at an antique fair 20 years ago.

A: 56 Chevy bel air hood ornament


Someone I know in Trinidad & Tobago asked what this is

A: Phobetron pithecium, the hag moth caterpillar.


Not sure, but maybe some sort of abandoned pumping station, found in a small structure along the Hudson River. No signage or other structures around. Pipes run from the structure to the river.

A: It’s an old water pump used for mines or similar purpose


In maintenance, supervisor dumped it on our work bench, probably 2 different things, hook on both ends of dirty duster looking thing, looks like one side screws into something

A: The one on the left is for shelving. I can’t find a picture, but it’s for wire/metro shelving. It goes on the back, just above a shelf so things don’t fall off the back. The ends are open so you can add it on, after the fact, without dismantling the entire shelf.


Found next to a creek on Central Kentucky. Metal box about 2 feet wide, about 2 and a half feet tall. Has no numbers or markings anywhere on it that I could see.

A: Stand for a hair dryer and attachments


These bunker-looking things along a highway.

A: Definitely a large water main.


I found these boxes at the pawn shop, they look like some sort of attachments for a machine, any ideas?

A: Mandrills and taps, mostly likely from tool and die or fabrication shop


Found in the basement of an old church in a cleaning closet. About 2.5 ft tall.

A: It is a tool to mix drywall mud. Similar to a potato masher but for the drywall compound.


Southeastern Virginia – cast iron footed thing with holes in the feet (for bolts, we assume), one hole on the near end, and the far end has an indent with two holes. No markings, ~20-24″ long.

A: It’s a bucket for a traveling bucket elevator?


This iron piece was sticking out of the ground in the woods near a reservoir, it has a square indent on one side. Maybe related to farming or logging?

A: Top of a cast iron stove


Found in grandpa’s kitchen. Matchbook for size. About 6in long. Circle is a bottle opener. Says “Murphy-Ward best for the babies”

A: It’s an ice pick. Used to break up large blocks of ice into smaller ones for drinks. It also has a bottle opener (the two dents) inside the circular part.



Nell 4 year s ago
#9 that I believe that is a Green Bay Packers blanket, if you’d move that candle thingy, I could get a better look. They are found in the homes of the most intelligent, most beautiful, nicest people on earth.
I have two.
Serene 4 year s ago
Nell, green bay fudge packers....
Elvira 4 year s ago
#2 - that is a ground post indicator which tells you if the buried valve is open or closed. The square nut on top is the Stem where you can use a spanner wrench as is used on a fire hydrant to open and close the underground valve.

31 years in commercial fire protection
Elvira 4 year s ago
And it actually says "The Kennedy Valve Company" if you could read it all the way down - they were a big manufacturer of underground control valves, check valves, fire hydrants, wall post and ground post indicators, etc.
Dyce 4 year s ago
Elvira,Yes, we call then PIV, short for Post Indicator Valve.
Immanuel 4 year s ago
#14 is a safe, upside down. Look at the hinges and the knob on the door.

Peeled (broken into) and dumped.
Horace 4 year s ago
Love these posts!!! Please keep ‘em coming heart
Antonia 4 year s ago
horace kind of a limp wristed thing "Love these posts!!!" heart



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