Composter for dog poop
LED traffic lights, so that no one will be able to miss the signal
Bicycle escalator, to help cyclists go up steep hills
Trash can with bottle rack
This design for easily accessible priority seats in Scotland
Benches that can turn into tables
A ramp, so that ducks can get into the water easily
“The Green Man Plus” — Gives seniors and handicapped people a longer time to cross the road by just tapping a card.
A wheelchair access mat at the beach
Bike ramps, to help you climb up the stairs without having to lift your bike
A button on a crosswalk to signal the bus to wait for you
A stand for bikers to hold on to while waiting for traffic lights
Speeding ticket robot
Help when walking with high heels on metal grate
Bench with instructions for exercises you can do on it
“A water fountain that tells you how many bottles you have saved by using it”
“Women only parking spaces, Germany”
Foot-operated hand sanitizer on the streets
A pay phone booth converted into a defibrillator station
A tiny water fountain for dogs
#6 a few years ago they changed benches in vienna so that homeless people cant sleep on it anymore.
maybe some heavy pollution in your head...
in my town they switched to led billboards. they are sometimes blinding. there are no regs on brightness.
homelessness is not a choice
In Switzerland it is, we take care of people.
#12 if someone can stand for the little bit of time waiting for a light,once again they should not be a bike rider
#13 great idea for hitting home run with baseball bat