"How much time is wasted by commuting.
Working from home, the “8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours play” thing actually works."
"I have a horrible work-ethic (as in none whatsoever)"
"Belching with a mask on is a really bad idea"
"I waste a lot of money dining out and drinking at bars."
"Self-improvement, and doing all those hobbies I’ve sworn that I could only do if I had more free time.
Apparently time is not the bottleneck I thought it was; my biggest enemy is motivation and inertia."
"I really like teleworking because I get sporadic interruptions from my daughter and I get to see my wife nearly all day."
"I need friends"
"All the years spent playing Plague Inc. didn’t pay off"
"My wife and I get along very well. We are now living AND working together which means we hardly ever have an hour apart. Been doing this since March and not even an argument. We have witnessed many other relationships fall but ours is stronger than ever 15 years later."
"That I don’t care about my job. Been on furlough for months and not missed anything about it one bit. Once I thought I’d have a career, but it’s just something to pay the bills now and I’m seriously thinking about a switch in the near future to something completely different."
"People are really mean and can’t follow basic health guidelines"
"I am not as good at being alone as I thought I was"
"I have a MUCH higher tolerance of solitude than basically anyone in my friend circle."
"Parents are right, you need to save funds for a rainy day"
"I have an apple tree. It’s hidden in back of some other trees but I was lounging outside taking in the scenery and I’ll be dammed, there it was. I’ve lived here 8 years. More time at home, relaxed, is definitely the reason I finally noticed it."
"I really missed out on a lot before the pandemic. Took too much for granted. I didn’t visit grandma frequently enough. I complained about family outings. Hated going out in general. Now we can’t. I mean, yeah sure we can go eat in a restaurant again but not with out risking our health.
I opted out of living and now life is on pause for an unknown length of time. Shoulda, woulda, coulda."