"If this is the size of the bird’s feathers, you can only imagine its real size."
"Bears are tiny little fluffs on TV, but huge in real life."
These giant groundsels can only be found on Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
“Never realized how big these blades for windmills really are.”
Izismile Videos
"We’re pretty sure this truck could destroy anything in its way."
"We should never be able to know what kind of fertilizer this woman put on this sunflower, otherwise, we’re doomed."
"Now we know how our cat feels when sleeping on the couch"
"We don’t know what’s more impressive: the size of the tree or the rocks surrounding it."
“World’s tallest man, Robert Wadlow, of Alton, Illinois was 8’ 11’’ and weighed 490 pounds.”
"The goal of this cactus was to reach the sky and it almost nailed it."
"We sure don’t want to swim near a giant Whale Shark..."
“The anchor from the Knock Nevis ULCC, the largest ship ever built”
"Yep, that tiny little white dot in this picture is a person."
"If you’ve never seen a leaf bigger than a human being, this is it."
Teeny tiny crustaseans in the sea.