"Brand new vs. five years of carrying mail."
"Plant being dramatic before and after watering"
"The wear on a LEGO brick I've been using as a key hanger for a few years, compared to a new one."
"SoCal before and after a wet winter."
"Bamboo that grew up during the pandemic without the effect of tourists' touch"
"The difference 5 weeks made in foliage color."
"My mom found a cute rug at the store. Brought it home and it was the same one she had before!"
"One day difference in Fort Collins Colorado."
"Wasn't surprised to find out that most phones are dirtier than toilet seats. This is only 7 months old."
"The difference between someone 5'2 and 6'2 taking our picture"
"Got the keychain on the left in 2010 in Paris. Girlfriend gave me a present early today and I was shocked!"
"The difference 11 days can make for this maple tree"
"The difference between farm fresh and supermarket strawberries"
"A few years makes a big difference..."
"Just some different egg sizes I have on my small farm."
"My old 54 mm skateboard wheels next to my new 54 mm skateboard wheels"
"Before/After a 4 year ceramics course"
"Giant banana next to a PS4 controller and a foot for comparison"
"Piggy's had a rough life."
"Free range egg vs. regular egg"
Bonus: “I asked my mom and dad to buy dish washing sponges. Daddy's are on the left"
uh huh sure, and which kind of farm does he run?
Senie here - it's a 160-acre vegetable farm, but they also raise chickens for market. I'm not trying to BS anyone, it's just something you rarely hear when people rave about free-range chickens being all animal-friendly and kumbaya. Plus it makes sense.
cannabis farm.
Your typical "free range" is what's bs, instead of in pens, they're just crammed into a warehouse with more than 1 chicken per square foot, not some giant out door paradise. It's a total crock of a term, and as much as a scam as "non gmo" or "organic". They sound nice, but instead of the "gut feeling = fact" maybe read on how those are done instead.
Why did the song 'Everybody was kung-fu fighting' jump into my mind when I read about the pecking and scratching?
Chicken good pet but cackle. To much cackle and eat pet. No cackle. Snake good pet and no cackle. Snake eat good on stick but fall off. Jelly fish no cackle.
Senie here again, I yield to your experience, Jedediah, and thanks for replying. Hearing that makes me want to go vegetarian.