“A tiny little amount of eyeliner in a huge plastic container”
“We ordered 3 Mio drink flavors and they came in 3 packages like this.”
“Ordered 150 washers. This is how they were packaged.”
“These 0.7 ml anti-flea and anti-tick drops straight out of the box”
“Just opened my front door to this. Although they are stackable, Amazon decided that each of these 9 large planters needed its very own enormous box.”
“They must’ve been out of envelopes...”
“This tea that I got for christmas...”
“I legit called the company to ask if they forgot to send me something because the box was so big...”
“The amount of packaging used for 2 packets of tea direct from the manufacturer amazes me.”
“Ordered a notebook with my order so I could qualify for free shipping and it came separately in this massive box.”
“I ordered 2 hard drives. This is how they were packed.”
“For a pair of shoelaces”
“It was one pajama top!”
“I’m so glad that the fragile gloves I ordered with something else came with padding!”
“Chopped parsley packaging”
“Really glad my made-from-recycled-materials and biodegradable sponges came wrapped together AND individually in plastic.”
“Hopefully 2020 brings less of this.”
“This is how they send my contacts. Every. Single. Year.”
“The place I work at just got individually wrapped packages of individually wrapped M&M’s”
“It’s the only way to ship a yardstick.”
“I’ve never seen candy bars wrapped up after already having been wrapped.”