“Cat owners will understand. This is the only way I can drink milk.”
“The first people who appear on the streets on January 1 are dog owners.”
“Something tells me I’m not the only cat owner encountering this issue.”
Izismile Videos
“Only cat owners know the pain.”
“When you have a dog”
“When you’re trying to take a photo with a dog”
“OMG, you got trapped in the water spray box again?! Are you okay?!”
“He is obviously trying to become a master of disguise.”
“The ’perks’ of playing with my cat when he’s in scratch/bite mode”
“Can anyone help me figure out what type of plant this is?”
“The fight for the couch is on.”
“Cold mouse hand? Get a cat.”
“My cat has strategically chewed a hole for his head in his favorite cardboard box.”
“My husband captured this photo of my dog and me. It perfectly describes the partnership I’ve built with her!”
“He never looks amused.”
“It’s hard to work in such conditions. One cat is about to fall off my knees and the other one is trying to get on my lap.”
“4 dogs, 1 bed — there are more than enough beds, blankets, and cozy sleep spots on the couches around here for everyone, but they insist on piling onto one bed.”
"They always want to take your food."
“When it’s time to visit the vet”
“Who needs a blanket when you have a dog?”