“My dish scrubber before and after 8 months of use”
“My new boots vs my 5-year-old boots”
“My sister got me a ’new’ version of my old baby doll for my birthday. 27 or so years of love!”
“The wear of the wooden coffee cup I’ve used for 3 years (left) vs a brand new, identical cup (right)”
“Cleaning archaeological ceramics — a brand new brush vs one that was used for a single day”
“My mom found a cute rug at the store. She brought it home and realized it was the same one she had before!”
“The difference between used and brand new climbing rope”
“A new key compared to a 16-year-old key with 270,000 miles on it”
“The difference between a new tire and a heavily used one on a forklift truck”
“A new oven mitt vs a 1-year-old mitt in a commercial bakery”
“My pair of pointe shoes, same brand, new vs used for 2 months”
“The wear and tear on my 7-year-old basketball vs the brand new one I bought”
“2 years old vs brand new”
“My dog’s brand new collar vs a 5-year-old one”
“The same exact stuffed animal — one is brand new and the other one was used daily for 2 years by a toddler.”
“The wear on a LEGO brick I’ve been using as a key hanger for a few years compared to a new one”
“A new phone case vs a 2-year-old version”
left: years later waiting for retirement
It's called perspective, genius.