“This forgotten bike that grew into a tree.”
“This bar has a safe word for people on bad Tinder dates.”
“My coconut water tells me to stop looking at its bottom.”
“This stray cat in our neighborhood has a perfect white mustache.”
Izismile Videos
“This painting in my school library is painted on the wall itself, but is still framed.”
“This crack in the pavement filled with a stained glass cat portrait.”
“I actually robin hooded an arrow.”
“This tree i found grows into itself.”
“Giant lemon off our tree.”
“My waffle wedge is so perfect it looks fake.”
“The sand in Tahoe is magnetic and stuck to my phone.”
“Perfectly round rock I found at the beach.”
“The font size on my contact packaging increased with my prescription.”
“Went to see a volcano that is only a couple of kilometres away from my home. This volcano has been erupting for the past months in Iceland.”
“This portrait of the late Chris Farley hanging in a Las Vegas steak house.”
“The difference in me and my twin's skin color. he goes outside, i don't.”
“Saw this logo for a pet grooming service on my drive home.”
“I stacked 173 jenga blocks on one block.”
“The world's most dangerous plant!”
“Some mini wool dogs I made with their look alikes.”
“This brick in my garage has an imprint of a wrench.”
“My beet looks like salmon.”
“The Way The Paint Dried In This Old Bottle Looks Like A Tidal Wave.”
“Found an exact replica of the time machine from Back To The Future!”
“This pizza place uses garlic knots instead of those little plastic tables.”
“My son and I 3D Printed a lifesized Pit Droid from Star Wars.”
“AlienWare Car parked at Emerald Bay, CA”
“This tensegrity tower I made out of lego (the top piece is held up by just the chains)”
“This huge Climbing wall in Copenhagen.”
“My keyboard’s usb has a keyboard on it.”
“The witch’s grave.”
“I'm from the Netherlands & we have vending machines for eggs.”
“This drop of coffee looks like Jupiter.”
“A single seat bench.”
“Found a baby snapping turtle walking across my driveway.”
“Woody & Buzz traveling the interstate.”
“"Stained glass" made out of Legos.”
“This Forest Gump windshield wiper.”
“I like to make cute critters out of wool.”
“This car I drove behind had an HDMI port.”
“This Statue that looks trapped underground.”
“A whole potato in curly fry form.”
Why not? Could be fine ground iron ore.