These Facts COULD Save Your Life (No Guarantee, Though) (19 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       22 Jun 2021       4233       8 GALLERY VIEW

If you’re ever at a party and your drink tastes unusually salty, do not continue drinking it. Rohypnol is reported to have a salty taste.



Lying flat on your back is the best way to survive a falling elevator.


If you ever see square waves in the ocean get out immediately. They are powerful currents that can drag you underneath the water and kill you in an instant.



If someone gets stabbed, do not take the knife out. It acts as a plug to the hole and prevents blood loss. Apply pressure around the wound and call the police.


If someone ever tries to grab you, scratch them. Their DNA will now be in your nails.


The machine that sets the pins at the bowling alley is extremely dangerous. So if you slide into the pins as a joke, there is a very good chance that you will be crushed to death.



Each railroad crossing has a number on it. So, if your car gets over stuck on the train track, call 911, give them this number and they’ll notify upcoming trains to stop.


If a deer is running across the road it’s better to hit it than swerve and run into a ditch. If there is a moose in the middle of the road swerve and run into a ditch. Hitting a moose is like running into a brick wall.


No matter how thirsty you are, do not eat large amounts of snow. Too much cold ice in your stomach can cause you to die of hypothermia. Melt the ice and then drink it.



If you ever find yourself being dragged underwater by an alligator shove your fingers into its nose. This breaks the seal alligators need to keep water out of their airways and will make them release you immediately.


If you ever need to escape a moving car do not jump out, put one foot down and take a step. This will significantly reduce your speed and will have a much greater chance of surviving the fall.


If you ever for some reason ingest windshield wiper fluid or anti-freeze, drink large amounts of vodka to keep it from shredding your kidneys to give you time to get to the hospital.


Everyone hates red eyes in photos. But if your pupils reflect white in a picture, it could be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your eyes, such as cataracts, retina problems, or even eye cancer.


If your house smells like fish for absolutely no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means that there is an electrical fire.


If a tornado looks like it’s not moving, it’s actually moving towards you.


If a powerline falls next to you, do not walk or run. Put your feet together and do a bunny hop to jump and get away. This keeps electricity from traveling up one leg and out the other, which prevents you from being shocked by several thousand volts.


If you ever wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of gas, do NOT turn on the light. A spark from a light switch could blow up the entire house.


If you ever fall off of the edge of the subway platform and onto the tracks don’t waste your time trying to crawl back up. There is a crawl space built to go underneath in case this happens.



Hallie 3 year s ago
this is the exact same collection that was a few days ago...only gifs are different
Pherbia 3 year s ago
Hallie, Oh so what! Seriously. Not everyone comes to this site daily (and for some, several times throughout each day). If you've already seen something? Move on and find something that interests you so you're not wasting your own time.
Adolphus 3 year s ago
Recycled BS is still BS!

Chat 3 year s ago

Is that why your parents had another child after you?
Obedience 3 year s ago
#4 what the f**k is a square wave?
Cora 3 year s ago

What they SHOULD have written, is "if you see waves coming directly towards the shore, and also see waves going past the shore, making it look like there's a square on top of the ocean...", but I suspect the admins at Izi doesn't know that many words :P BTW, if you DO see this EXTREMELY rare phenomenon, don't worry about getting dragged under. When the waves from both directions meet the shore, you'll be thrown out of the ocean with insane force. There's a bigger chance of you breaking bones if you land hard on the shore, than you being dragged under.
Cora 3 year s ago
#9 If you are on a collision course with a moose, or a deer or any animal looking like those, and can't avoid hitting it by driving past it, aim for its hind legs/@$$. If you run your car into a ditch, you'll risk damaging your car to the point where you need a tow truck, and also risk injuries on your body as you have NO idea what is IN the ditch you're driving into @80 km/h. If you hit the animal dead on, the entire body of the animal will very likely be hurled through your windshield, crushing you(or at the very least give you zero visibility for stopping the car. If you hit it at its front legs, the same applies, with the added bonus of risking impalement by its antlers. If you go for the hind legs/@$$, 9 times out of 10 the animal will just bounce off your hood uninjured, or with minimal damage to both the animal and your car.
Bedney 3 year s ago
#13 I drink large amounts of vodka every night... just in case.





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