Many of these are probably true, but you have to consider that this information is coming from average people on Reddit or Twitter. You gotta do your own research, people. Simply believing whatever others may tell you is dangerous.
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)
Your brain makes choices without you knowing; then tricks you into thinking the choices were yours, by allowing you to invent gratifying reasons why you supposedly chose them. Research on split-brain patients has proven all of this.
Many of these are probably true, but you have to consider that this information is coming from average people on Reddit or Twitter. You gotta do your own research, people. Simply believing whatever others may tell you is dangerous.
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)
Which half? Please enlighten me.
the right half
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)