Many of these are probably true, but you have to consider that this information is coming from average people on Reddit or Twitter. You gotta do your own research, people. Simply believing whatever others may tell you is dangerous.
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)
“The stimulant effect of coffee at a given regularly consumed dose only lasts a few weeks. After that, your body becomes addicted to coffee and most of the “boost” you get is actually the relief of withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine.”
Many of these are probably true, but you have to consider that this information is coming from average people on Reddit or Twitter. You gotta do your own research, people. Simply believing whatever others may tell you is dangerous.
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)
Which half? Please enlighten me.
the right half
I googled #7: TSE's- a group which includes mad cow disease (rabies and a couple of others are ~100% fatal)