“Neighbors at our beach house made a whale shaped bush, blowhole and all.”
“The floor in the design building at my college is the basketball court it used to be.”
“The tiny arm rest I had on my flight.”
“In the Netherlands, Cool Ranch Doritos are called “Cool American Flavour.”
“A carnation plant growing out of the sidewalk in the middle my neighborhood.”
“The beer I’m drinking was canned earlier today.”
“I saw 4 generations of Honda Civics, in order of age, all in white.”
“A Tomato my mum grew has horns.”
"This swiss water bottle has the Matterhorn in it."
“Jenny’s number on my dash on my old truck.”
“My cacti looks like a caveman about to club a rabbit.”
“Head of garlic bought from supermarket is just one massive clove.”
“King of the Hill that I painted and stuck to my fence.”
“I found a pen and the pen cap is shaped like a cat.”
“In Italy they got free water in little towns. You Can choose between water with carbonation, cooled or regular.”
“I baked brownies and on the side of the pan it looks like there’s a dinosaur diving into them..”
“I gave a carrot to a caterpillar this morning and when I returned it had turned orange and started pooping carrot.”
"A 100 sided dice."
“This tinier than usual bag for my breakfast burrito.”
“A pizza delivery monster truck for dominos.”
“The servers at this restaurant noticed I was a lefty, and they laid out a set of left-handed silverware.”
“This big orange mushroom I found today.”
“Water levels at Lake Powell are so low you can find old wrecks out of the water.”
“In Spain there’s a winery that has a fountain with free wine.”
“Took a pic of the sea at the same spot, one day apart. The colour difference is interesting.”
#22 Chicken-of-the-woods mushroom. Very good find, nothing else looks like it and its safe to eat. Just slice up and fry. It tastes exactly like chicken fingers.
Tine... I spelled tine
I can name that tine in three notes!
#24 if they had one of these for wine and beer everyone would move to NH
I bought a 6x6 ATV in New Hampshire that cost $7000.00 and not a cent of tax~!