"This pizza we ordered in Greece and how it was sliced"
“How my roommate chooses to eat his bananas”
“Each person took a turn slamming their shopping cart into the front of my new car.”
“The way my boyfriend cuts avocados”
“Chicken pizza”
“These people are walking down the middle of the road to their car. This has gone on for over a minute.”
“This is how my son reads (he also eats like this unless we yell at him).”
“Overworked and overstressed, I couldn’t figure out how to enter a ’5′ for a solid minute.”
“We’re moving. This is how my wife packed the kids’ dolls.”
“Asked for extra pickles on my Big Mac.”
“I made a cake for my partner’s father for Father’s Day. I told him to bring me a slice back and this is how he cut it.”
“How these plates are made to fit.”
“This design is killing me.”
"Putting on makeup in her own convenient way."
Heels on the ground seems to confirm that. I would say more like Gollum though.