"The Guy Is Playing For Both Teams, And Still Watching It From The Grandstand"
"Time Travel At Costco"
Izismile Videos
"My Buddy Was Wearing The Same Shirt As A Woman At The Bar. She Left And Was Replaced About An Hour Later By Another Man Wearing The Same Shirt"
"They Told Me I Would Find Myself In Thailand"
"This Woman Has A Tattoo On Her Shoulder That Is The Exact Same As The Design On This Guys Shirt"
"The One Day My Son Didn't Wear His Blue Eddie Bauer Puffy Jacket From Costco To The Playground"
"How Do You Order Your Food, If “You’re” Already Ordering It?"
"Twinsies (Our Grandson Is Convinced My Husband Really Is Shaggy)"
"I Found My Doppelganger On A T-Shirt... And Sent Him One In Return"
"I Was Yelling Something To My SO Until I Realized It Wasn't Him But His Doppelganger"
"I Got A Pic Of My BF Falling Off A Floaty And Just Realized There Was A Guy Falling Off A Boat At The Same Time"
"Since 1981, Key West, FL Has Held A Ernest Hemingway Lookalike Contest Which Looks Like A Huge Glitch In A Matrix"
"Identical Twins Who Married Identical Twins"
"Met A Stranger With The Same Exact Nose Piercing, Haircut, Makeup, And Outfit As Me"
"These Two Unrelated People On My Flight Started Watching The Same Movie At The Exact Same Time"