“This book on money is designed like a credit/debit card.”
“Dutch burger joint menu.”
“Ice cream protective seal.”
“Cover for the book on gravity.”
“This packaging for a digital Polaroid camera.”
“The barcode from a box of mushroom ground coffee.”
“Cheese cutter from the Swedish Museum in Philadelphia.”
“This onesie package design”
“This dishwasher projects a timer onto the floor.”
“I like how they put the design over all 4 parts of the series.”
“Found in a clothing store dressing room.”
“The clock of a local hair salon.”
“This grocery bag promoting paper bags over plastic ones.”
“Two-in-one plant feeder.”
"A little origami lamp"
"The surface of the DVD mimics a pond"
“A sound machine owl that has speakers for wings”
"Tricetaco — a holder for real taco lovers"
"A hot sauce set"
"A soy sauce dish that reveals a painting after filled"
“My socks: this is how I bought them.”
“This book that teaches children how to tie shoes looks like a shoe.”
“A cat plate I bought in a store that sold things imported from Japan”
“This packaging that makes it look like a squirrel is storing nuts in its cheeks.”
No wonder you don't have any friends