"A Pill Bottle That Keeps Track Of When It Was Last Opened"
Izismile Videos
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"Tomatan, A Wearable Robot That Feeds You Tomatoes As You Run"
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"A Bot With Hands To Draw!"
#11 again, manufactures.
i laugh when one person finds another that "invents". when if you visit any engineering lab at universities, you'll find it's been attempted before.
0 watts
This comment makes me want to play Fallout.
Hiding under the desk was emergency protocol for everything but a tornado, even nuclear attacks as you mention. Tornado's required relocation to the hall.
and no wifi. so what's the point?
Thanks for adicional info, I was also very curious about that device...
You don't already have one?
I bought the cherry tomato adaptor for mine, and discovered it works great with olives, and cloves of garlic too due to their similar sizes. Worth every penny.
What a time to be alive.
@#9 no need of suit throw naked body on ground nature takes care of it
@#12 first they said stay ome for 2 weeks. then wear mask and social distance, then get shots, then it was booster shots, now it's wear mask again
@#18 really? lol
@#12 stay home