When Revenge Goes Too Far… (8 PICS + 9 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       24 Mar 2022       3251       2 GALLERY VIEW

"Every sibling on here has at least one story where you def didn’t mean to push them/hit them/throw that thing that hard"


"Girl at school kept telling her friends my sister was a wh#re. I “accidentally” spilled chili on her new shirt. Turns out her gram had just died and they had went shopping for that shirt together like the week before, making it the last thing she ever gave her.

She was out of school for about a month for personal stuff… And… Tbf, my sister was/is a complete wh#re"


"We had one person in our group in University who was not pulling his weight. He would submit things translated from different languages that were not in English, he would submit them without any references and he would never attend meetings. Looking back he was probably just out of his means but it didn’t feel like he was even trying.

My group decided, on a day he didn’t come to class to (we assume) purposefully avoid a meeting we had planned for right after, to tell him we had had a very large test that day he had missed. We just sent some messages in the group chat saying “that was a hard test” and “does anyone know how much that was weighted? I know I failed.”

One look at the course outline and you could see we had not had a test. He dropped the class the next day."


"My friend was on the bus waiting to leave school. Younger kid was being mouthy and pissing people off so my friend said something along the lines of “God, your parents must hate you”.

Turns out the kid was an orphan…"


Izismile Videos

"My brother is 7 years older than me (female). He was always way too rough and wild with me. One time when I was 6 and he was 13, we were playing cops and robbers. I was the cop and thought, “Now I’M the boss!” So I took that opportunity to put him in jail- which was in the basement- by Sparta kicking him square in the back from the top of the stairs.

He had to jump to catch himself so he didn’t break his neck. His foot hurt for several days but my mom told him to walk it off. Yeah… he broke his foot. I still feel bad about it."


"I was in Grade 8, we had this new kid named Caleb move to our town. He came from a rough home in a different city and had been sent to live with is aunt and uncle in our small little town. Anyways, he managed to fit in pretty well and became friends with most of the boys in fairly short order.

So, one day at recess, all the boys are playing basketball outside on a cement pad with hoops at either end. Caleb, hoping to show off how tough he is, decides to start not playing by the rules. He’s committing hard fouls, literally punching other kids in the arm when they went up for shots, he missed one time and punched a kid in the face. And he says “what, we’re playing by street rules?”. A couple days later, he’s still doing this and still using the same excuses. We’ve all told him to stop and play normal, but he won’t.

So I decide it’s time to teach him a lesson. I get the ball right under the hoop, fake like I’m going up for the shot to get him off his feet. Then I bend at the hips and get really low. His knees basically come in contact with my side and he does a full flip and lands flat on his @$$. I stand back up, make my shot, and say “street rules, right?”. It’s at this point I notice he’s actually in quite a lot of pain. Turns out he broke his tailbone. But when he recovered, you better damn well believe he played basketball by the rules."


"My sister was being a d#ck to me as a kid, so when I next gave her a glass of milk, I put some kernels of corn in it, thinking it would gross her out. It didn’t.

It choked her. Cut to me giving my kid sister the Heimlich, and apologizing for years after."


"There was a co-worker who bought a new car when gas prices were high and he constantly bragged about how much money he was saving and how great his gas mileage was. A co-worker decided to play a prank and each day he snuck out to the parking lot and secretly topped off his gas tank.

The daily bragging continued and after about two weeks we stopped secretly adding gas to his new car. Suddenly he stopped bragging about his gas mileage and how much money he was saving.

After another couple of weeks, we asked him for an update on the car. He told us he sold it because it was a piece of sh#t and his gas mileage decreased drastically.

We never told him about the prank."



"I put a dead fly in my little sisters rice when I was 10. She stared to cry because she hates bugs and is downright terrified of them. I felt so so bad watching her cry. To this day she won’t even eat rice anymore."


"As a wise old lady I used to work for once told me, “the best revenge is no revenge.” Make them think you’re going to utterly embarrass them, and do nothing. One of two things will happen, nothing or they will have a full-blown panic attack.

I used this once on a former friend who tried to coerce my wife into sleeping with him. Btw my wife wouldn’t give this fool the time of day. I let him know I knew and told him I was coming for him. He literally and legitimately had a full-blown mental breakdown. I sat back and did nothing. Part of me feels bad for damaging him psychologically part of me doesn’t, so idk how to feel anymore other than relief he is outta my life."


"A friend slept with my girlfriend, so I punched him in the face. Only thing was she was batsh#t crazy and he had never been with a girl before

She put us both through the ringer of psychological, manipulative and sometime physical abuse.

Afterwards he told me, “After what she put me through a punch in the face is nothing to what she did to us both.” I felt the most guilt for just introducing them at that point."


"My landlady decided to be a b#tch and keep my deposit just for spite. I called the fire department and reported that the 2 apartments in her house were not to fire code. She had to sell her house. I still feel bad about that even if it was the safe thing to do."



"So I’m a bigger guy and my friend would always call me fat and I did some digging into him and eventually I found out his mom is dead. So he would call me fat all the time so one time I had enough and made comments about how his mom was dead and mine was still alive.

I didn’t realize how much it hurt him as he didn’t come to school for a few weeks. A few weeks later he comes back I say sorry and help him with homework and now we are one good terms."


"Only child of a single parent here. We moved a lot. Went to grammar school for a year with a kid who made my life miserable. We moved away. Eventually moved back to the area for 8th grade. My math teacher paired me with a kid who wasn’t doing well.

It was my former nemesis. He didn’t remember me. I intentionally taught him incorrectly. He ended up failing 8th-grade math and didn’t advance to high school with everyone else."


"Not quite revenge but in third grade I was talking to a boy and thought he was cute but also annoying. I tossed some glitter up at his face, and some went in his eye.

Yeah, really horrible thing to do and he was seriously hurt. I believed for years that glitter was tiny pieces of glass because of how it affected him and how everyone around us responded."


"A band once wrote a diss track about me. As a lark, I made a video for it and claimed their band name as a domain to host it. I shared it to Petty Revenge and then Reddit doxxed the band. Felt awful."



"In high school, a buddy jumped onto the hood of my car as I was heading towards the exit of the parking lot. I asked him to get off, he demanded a ride to his car. I obliged, but I stopped b rather abruptly to “encourage” him off of my hood.

 He broke his arm on the landing. Still feel bad about that one, and this was back in like 98 or 99."



Adam 2 year s ago
#8 You just happened to have extra gasoline to top off the car. Probably don't top of your own let alone give free gas to someone else. A lot of these are clearly false.
Mavery 2 year s ago
People that feel bad for getting revenge, you probably had a great impact on their lives for the best. I’ll bet they stopped their stupid ways.





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