School Reunions Never Go As Planned… (18 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       19 Apr 2022       2614       GALLERY VIEW

"Five year reunion- one guy (always kind of a marginal figure in HS, but a nice person), after some sort of discussion, got his paycheck out and got loud saying “Now do you think I’m a loser?” “Don’t believe how much I make? Check this out” Of course, he just made things worse, and everyone was laughing at him. I mean – he had his paycheck on him? Haven’t seen him since, BTW."



"During our reunion, a social group of “cool people” that I had cordial relations with during high school but was never part of all met up and were pretty happy about it. Until it somehow came out over alcohol that all of them had been basically having orgies together during high school… except one of them. 

He had always seemed like a core member of the group from the outside, not unattractive or anything, but for some reason he was just never clued in to the fact that all his friends were f@#king each other en masse for basically as long as they knew each other. There was some very eye opening loud screaming."


"At my 10-year reunion, the organizers were doing the thing where they give “awards” for the person who came the farthest to attend, the person with the most kids, etc. The award came up for who had the oldest kid, and people started shouting out their kids’ ages. When it quieted down, this shy girl near the front said in a normal voice, “11” and then we all realized why we had stopped seeing Heather right before graduation."



"Someone who was considered a popular kid at my high school tried to organize our 10 year high school reunion on a cruise ship. Obviously no one wanted to shell out that kind of money, so the reunion never happened."


"When I was in 7th grade, this rich snob bully, John, grabbed off my head a wool scarf my mother had knitted for me. He threw the scarf into a pile of muddy leaves and jumped up and down on it. When I went home that day my mother was furious when she saw the torn, muddy scarf. She made me tell her who did it, then she called the school principal and yelled at him. The next day John got pulled into the principal’s office and paddled. That was back when they still paddled kids.

FIFTY-FIVE YEARS LATER, at our 50th class reunion, John came up to me and angrily said, “You got me into trouble in seventh grade!!!”

I got him in trouble?! And he’s still mad about it, 55 years later.

I said, “John you were a d@#k in high school and you’re still a d@#k,” and I walked away."


"Not mine, but my mother went back to her 40 year reunion last summer. In December she left my father (36 years of marriage) for her high school sweetheart and is now living with him."


"It wasn’t really bad, just odd. A guy came with full Kiss-style make up on – white face, black shapes around his eyes and black lips. We were too awkward and polite to mention it, so everyone just chatted with him as though it was completely normal to turn up like that."


"One guy had made not one but two fortunes and had a net worth of well over $100 million by our twentieth reunion (high speed modem patents in the late 1980s, early investor in broadband. right place at the right time). He’d already retired. On our classmate update bulletin he listed his occupation as “unemployed and unemployable” as a bit of a gag. Some of the well-meaning but clueless types sought him out to offer encouragement and tips on how to find work."


"We had a teacher in high school that told us “by the time you reach your 10-year reunion, at least one of your classmates will have died” during a discussion about mortality. Ten-year reunion arrives and nobody from our class has died.

Saturday night of the reunion we’re partying and having a good old time. One of the organizers gets up to the microphone and is making some announcements, she gets a blank look on her face and drops to the floor.

Brain aneurysm, she was dead before she hit the floor."


"At my twenty year reunion – two decades after high school – two guys got arrested for fist fighting on the sidewalk outside the bar we went to Friday night.

Why were they fighting? One of the guys slept with the other guys girlfriend in high school, and drunkenly brought up the twenty years ago fling. Neither if them married her, or even dated her after high school.

Those idiots got charges twenty years later for her, though."


"We’d been there less than an hour. Having a great time reconnecting. Suddenly an old friend approached and said, “Is that your wife over there? She’s pretty hammered” And as we watched, she tripped and fell face-first, full body crash onto a 12 top table where many of my old classmates were sitting.

The table broke, food and drinks flew everywhere, I walked over, scooped her up and half-carried/half-walked her out the door. She took xanax before going (unbeknownst to me) and was an alcoholic who started slamming drinks as soon as she got there. So… Good Times…"


"No one came.

I went to my 10 year. It was admittedly a really f@#king small town, so my class was only 27 people. But only 4 people showed up and one was actually homeschooled.

It kinda sucked. I was looking forward to seeing people and travelled from a long way away (3000 miles). It kind of jaded me towards my classmates. I’m not angry or anything. Just a realization that there really wasn’t any connection that survived."


"Went to my partner’s 5 year at the local Elk’s Lodge. He grew up in a really rich town, so it was super extravagant. Best part was the open bar until like 9pm and then cash afterwards. We were all having a great time until some scumbag snuck into the basement and stole a bunch of booze (literally multiple boxes). When the bartenders found out at 8:30, they were furious and kicked us all out. Ruined what would have been an excellent night."


"Someone told me, “You’re not a failure, be yourself!” And so when I went and proudly told them what I was doing these days (working a $9.25/hr job, going back to school, having gotten life together in a rehab and back on track, I was proud!) they all pitied me and one dude tried to give me money. It made me feel bad about my current progress. I hate people."


"This guy slammed some warn Natty Light during beer pong, then held his wrist up to this mouth as if it were coming back up, and then he projectile vomited. The best part is that all of it somehow SHOT forcefully from his fingers like Spiderman and we WEBBED everyone on that side of the room with vomit. It was full of cooked onions. It was amazing."


"Someone confessed to me that I was his “dream girl” with his fiancée as his date to the reunion. I barely knew the guy in high school. Unfortunately for his fiancé, she didn’t know anyone there and he refused to leave with her. He drunkenly said “I’m not leaving with her, I’m leaving with you” to me.

I told her to text me when their car was outside. Then, I whispered “let’s go” in his ear, walked him out, and put him in her car. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he realized who was driving and I said “yeah, that’s how tonight is going to end.”

But they still got married so…"


"My sister, my (now) husband and I were all in the same graduating class. Plus, my husband’s best friend.

Best friend’s name is something like “John Smith”. Very common. He was very popular in HS. Super nice guy, stood out in a crowd- if you didn’t know him you certainly knew of him. Even in a massive school.

So anyway, the 20 yr reunion rolls around, my sister is the only one who wanted to go. She called right after, very upset. Apparently there was a huge memorial wall for John Smith, who had just died! None of us knew! Awful.

My husband was like, huh. But we just saw him? Called him up and was like “Hey dude, are you dead?” No. Not dead. Surprised, but not dead.

Anyway it turned out the much less popular other John Smith was the one who died. They made a lovely memorial for the wrong guy, who was forgotten totally.

We still run into people to this day who see him and are like “Hey… aren’t you supposed to be dead?!”"









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