It does have a lot of Vitamin C but carambola carries a high level of oxalic acid and can cause kidney problems.
A Japanese delicacy, this blowfish requires special training to properly handle and people still die every year from its consumption.
Casu marzu
Translated to “rotten cheese” this foul creation has actual maggots in it (yum!) and can cause allergic reactions, food poisoning, and, not surprisingly, larvae infection.
Pangium edule
A nut that’s common in South Asian cuisine with seeds that contains hydrogen cyanide.
A traditional dish of the Arctic indigenous people, this fermented meat (walrus or deer) can contain botulism.
Crow meat pie
Apparently this is real and obviously causes infections.
Raw blood soup
Also real! This is can be found in Vietnamese cuisine and lead to flu and other diseases.
Ackee fruit
The national fruit of Jamaica with toxic seeds that cause a vomiting disease. The fruit, however, is safe.
An Egyptian delicacy of fermented fish that’s dangerous enough to get a warning from the Ministry of Health.
The legs can be harmless when cooked properly but the skin and organs are poisonous.
Monkey brains
Consumption can lead to a degenerative brain disease. Ironic.
i got bad news for you do a google for Kuru (disease)