Izismile Videos
"This Is How My 2.5-Year-Old Niece Insists On Holding Her New Baby Brother"
"Asked My Sister If My Nephew Was Enjoying The Wedding. This Is The Picture She Sent Back"
"My Two Older Children Were Trying To Lay Out All Of Their Pokémon Cards, But The Youngest Kept Intervening, So They Duct-Taped Him To A Chair"
"Our Airbnb Had A Translucent Bathroom Door. I’m Used To My Impatient Toddler Stalking Me Through The Bathroom Door, But This Took It To A Much Creepier Level"
"My Son Made A Paper Enderman And Hung Him From The Ceiling Outside His Room. I Just Met Him In The Dark"
"Guy In One Of My Dad Groups Found This In His Kid's Room"
"My 9-Year-Old Son Drew Me A Picture"
"This Afternoon I Noticed Him Sneakily Grabbing Some Fishing Nails, So I Followed Him And Caught Him Red-Handed"
"My Kid Was Playing Workshop While I Fixed The Garage Door Yesterday. Super Glad I Checked My Shoe Before Putting It On"
"My Sister Has An Interesting Hobby"
"I’m a nanny. One of the kids had been pulling out strands of my hair several times a day for months, despite being scolded and getting time out for it. Then she shows me this hair bracelet she made “so part of you is always with me”. She’s 4."
"I Love My Son, But Checking The Monitor And Seeing This Always Creeps Me Out"
"My Cousin Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night And Randomly Looked At The Baby Monitor And Saw This"
"She said it scared the hell out of her. She stayed like this for several minutes."
"My Son Discovered That I'm Not Really At Work, But Am Working From Home"
"So When I Was A Kid Me And My Sister Always Used To Play “Crucify”, And My Sister Once Complained That She Couldn’t Use Actual Nails On Me"
"Despite Multiple Talkings Too, My 2-Year-Old Keeps Leaving Dolls In Life-Like Positions Around The House. Scares The Life Out Of Me Everytime"
"My Kid Watching Me Poop"