"A really good hobby that I can’t put down. That I can’t wait to pour free minutes into, that I think about all the time because of the joy it brings me."
"A place to call home that’s livable that my family can call their own."
"I want my boss to be abducted by aliens, and never seen again"
"A lasting relationship. I haven’t had a good lasting relationship. I just feel like I can’t find the right person for me."
"To use whatever gifts I may have to do good. To help heal the broken parts of the world."
"Being healthy enough to start traveling around the world without caring about the money. And right now a pizza would be good too"
"To be cute. Seriously."
"A decent social life TBH"
"A milkshake."
"Money, money, money, money… Moneyyy"
"As an aspiring author. I’d just like for more people to read my work and enjoy themselves.
I think most artists want to make and bring more joy to the world. I want to be able to do that, bring smiles to people’s faces and make their fantasies come true on the page or screens.
Make the world just a little better and happier if only for a little bit."
"To no longer be in constant pain"
"I want this baby to come out of me, healthy and soon, with little to no complications or interventions."
"Zig a zig ahhh"
"My parents to accept I want to leave my country to begin my own life with my SO"
"To make a living doing what I love, and walk my dog."
"My anxiety to go away forever. Which is never gonna happen."
"I want to feel alive"
It's what's best in life.