"I made a literary quote clock out of an old Kindle - it tells the time entirely with real book quotes"
"Made a backyard office during Covid thanks to YouTube"
"I made the scariest rug ever"
"I made a sunset cloud pendant!"
Izismile Videos
"Needle felted fruit bat, one of my most recent woolen miniatures :)"
"Been wanting to do this guy for a while and I think it's my favorite piece of glass I've done so far."
"I made this 14k rose gold engagement ring, with a lab-grown diamond and two Fair Trade purple sapphires!"
"Real dandelion epoxy resin pendant"
"I made a mimic chest from a Terry Pratchett book as a gift for our D&D Dungeon Master"
"I made a 1975 Lincoln Continental out of paper. All drawn and designed by hand. It even has rolling wheels!"
"VW Loft beds I made for my daughters"
"Warehouse me and my buddy made over a few weekends."
"Ivy Handmade Gourd Lamp"
You're correct. Brain dead flat-earthers will continue to downvote you, though, and will probably soon start calling you a witch for knowing things they don't.