"When people document (video record or take a photo or write an article) themselves or other people when helping the impoverished, especially those videos of influencers on Youtube vlogging and ‘helping’ the homeless, showing their faces and stuff. BS and creepy for me. If you help, just help, no need to let others know."
"Beauty Pageants for young kids."
"Dress coding kindergarteners"
"Tickling that doesn't stop at the victims request."
"Telling young girls to cover up when male family members are visiting. That has never say right with me"
Izismile Videos
"Telling little kids(like 2-10), "aw is that your little girlfriend/boyfriend?". Like a hard stop, no. Creepy and disgusting. No matter the context."
"I’ve had male teachers and staff call me “good girl” after doing a task for them. Apparently this is a way some men say Thankyou to girls. And its weird and creepy everytime. A simple thanks would suffice."
"Influencers' toxic positivity on Instagram."
"People talking about Jesus Christ like they just ran into him at the store."
"People making instagrams for their babies and making captions as if the baby were writing it"
"When you’re chillin’ with your cat or dog at night with no one else home and they suddenly alert and look super-alarmed like they heard something."
"People standing next to or behind you when they can just wait or give you a bit more space. I hate going to airports or any other public line and trying to leave space in front of me and the person behind me just shuffles closer trying to get me to move. Trust me, you pushing me to move forwards isn’t going to make the line move any faster. It just makes it more congested and it’s weird imo"
"I think it's weird that most couches don't come with washable cushion covers. Everyone finds that normal, but they would think it's weird if someone just slept on a bare mattress without ever putting a sheet on it. When in reality it's exactly the same thing. I bought a couch with cushion covers you can take off and put in the washing machine for that reason."
"Every company creating an ecosystem requiring my home address and credit card and my birthday just to listen to some music or use some software. Not a shred of my identity is unsold at this point."
""What no hug?" When saying goodbye to a person I'd never shown interest in touching"
"The whole "we're all family here" at the workplace. It's like some weird brainwashing to get you to enjoy your job more than you should. Like, no, you're not my family. I'm here to do work and get paid, and that's the only reason I'm here."
"Asking a couple when they plan on getting pregnant, or a couple’s unsolicited sharing they are trying to get pregnant. I feel gross every time."
"Family channels. Imagine having to live your entire life on camera, with little to no privacy without being able to consent for it. Also to my knowledge there are no current laws that protect child influencers income like child actors have. If your content can’t exist without your child, it’s their job not yours."
After living with a cat for 17 years I can absolutely agree with this, have a cat that was calmly sitting on your lap suddenly whip it's head around and stare at the corner behind you is very unsettling..
It's not to make you enjoy your job, it's to make you feel bad about not showing up and to make you feel obligated spend your personal time for the company. If you feel like it's a family you might do more than if they just act like it's a business.
People who think it’s okay for kids to choose their gender. Especially people that think it’s okay to give kids hormone blockers.
Those people are evil.
Yeah, I also hate people who let their kids decide they're going to be astronauts or deep sea divers or scientists race car drivers. Those are highly dangerous professions and their kids could be killed. I agree with you about the hormones, except I just call it grossly stupid and not evil. Evil is when you try to turn half the members of a functioning society against the other half, while completely destroying democracy in the process.
Except that becoming an astronaut, diver, racer is a possibility, and choosing your gender an exercise in futility.
Perhaps pursuing the unattainable underlies the 82% of transgenders contemplating suicide, and 40% attempting it.
I agree with that last sentence. But enough about the Democrats.
You're right. Let's concentrate on the real monsters instead.
I pickup on that too soon for my likings