The Golden Age Of These Things Is Long Gone… (19 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       2 Nov 2022       2566       15 GALLERY VIEW

"Comedy movies. Honestly, what’s the last blockbuster comedy movie you saw in a packed theater?"



I feel like we all just rent, borrow, stream, digital download, or straight up just consume and rebuy low-quality products."



"My dad is a retired graphic designer who did freelance stuff since retiring, but can’t anymore because he refuses to pay a subscription to a product he already owned and was made obsolete by software updates."


"I’ll add television in general to this. I think we’re at the tail end of the golden age of the non-movie format for watching TV.

There are just soooo many shows out right now and the overall quality of each is starting to lower. There was a period (circa 2009 – 2012ish) where the top shows were Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Walking Dead, and Dexter. Fewer episodes per season, higher quality per episode. Netflix created the binge model and streaming in general allowed people to catch up quickly. There were a ton of other notable shows during that period as well. The Office and Parks and Rec and Community were on Netflix and got even more popular due to rewatchability.

10 or so years later and there are just too many things coming out for everyone to be up on the latest thing. Obscene budgets are being spent on mediocre writing."





"God, I hope future generations figure out how to distinguish between actual real factual news and media/entertainment/outrage bait/propaganda or else we’re doomed."


"Internet for sure. Everything is way too centralized now and the majority of internet traffic goes to small number of sites. I miss forums and personal webpages. We should bring those back."




"Well, video killed the radio star.

Internet killed the video star.

Corporations killed the internet.

…and at this moment hubris is killing the corporations."


"MSN messenger. I miss it"



We’ve killed so many fish it’s a f@#king tragedy. By some estimates we’ve killed 90% of the world’s shark population alone. Reading old books and running into offhand comments about fishing is depressing as hell.

I love seafood, but we need like a decade-long commercial fishing hiatus followed by much stricter limits and better regulations. There are a bunch of really dumb rules right now; bycatch is wasted, for example. Let’s get by on sport-caught and farmed seafood for a while and let the fishes come back.

Fishing now is nothing whatever like it was even fifty years ago. A century ago it was like another planet. And this is coming from a kiteboarder, somebody to whom sharks are a genuine threat."


"American Manufacturing"


"True. During my Dads time you could get a factory job, raise a family on a single income, buy a house and retire comfortably after 30 years service."


"Early Youtube was about videos by regular people. At some point they turned it into another medium for big business."


"Shopping Malls, they are super dead and getting a little deader every day"


"This! I was going to say affordability of common things like vehicles, housing, and food."


"Rock and Roll. That’s come and gone."


"The era of Mass Media with competent and responsible gatekeepers."



I’m fascinated with all the creative features of cars from the 50s/60s. They used to be fun, colorful and distinctive. Sure there were some wacky designs too but at least they tried. Now it’s all the same boring shapes and colors, nothing really stands out and it makes me so mad."


"I absolutely hate this. Everything is a subscription now. Even car manufacturers are making you subscribe to features in new cars – want to use heated seats? Navigation? That’ll be $30 a month. It’s pure greed."


"Respectful debate. Differing views discussing opinions and stances. Now it’s extremes of everything clashing and refusing to converse in any way."


"The internet.

IRC is pretty much dead, privacy is gone, censorship is popular, and the memes are sh#t compared to 2006."


"We went from an amazing wild west, with lots of interesting niche communities, to boring, safe and corporate in less than 20 years. I really miss the chaos and unpredictability of the early to late 2000s internet."




Abel 2 year s ago
Political divide ever expanding (civil war coming), gun violence, education and healthcare systems are unsustainable and inaccessible to many, bigotry and hate rising exponentially in last decade or so, middle class becoming irrelevant and shrinking. Sorry but it's the truth.
Margy 2 year s ago
Unfortunately, I agree.
Ruminta 2 year s ago

And it's compounded and magnified by the media with 24 hour news, so-called experts, and now TV shows, talk shows, and movies are used for pushing the political party's views and product placement rather than entertain. I've stopped watching American TV shows almost entirely and have subscribed to Britbox. The British shows are entertaining, up with the times, and slam their political views in your face. They treat racism and radicalism realistically, as a matter of life within the show.
Ruminta 2 year s ago
*don't slam (sorry)
Deborah 2 year s ago
TL;DR: Things are different than they used to be and some people can't accept that. Basically a long list of "Back in my day..."
Older people have said a variation of these since time immemorial.
Things change. It's how you deal with it that matters.
And especially how you view it.

Despite the current problems, the world is more accepting to other people, more technological advanced, and less violent than it ever has been. Don't forget that the input of news is mainly negative because that's the news we are interested in. I could fill a book with all the good news that happens in a day. But if it isn't reported on you won't know it.

Want to make the world even better? Stop whining and create something good this world needs.
Help and be kind and be understanding of your fellow men and women preferably if you don't even know them or are different than you.

If even a tiny amount of people treat others like they want to be treated that would make a huge difference.
Julia 2 year s ago
Deborah, accepting people isn’t necessarily a good thing. Much of the “acceptance” we see today is really a lowering of standards. People are much more accepting of debauchery now which is not sustainable in the long run. A return to traditional values will come in time and unfortunately it will be an unpleasant experience for those that are participating in it. I agree with helping and supporting others but not just for the sake of being agreeable and “going along to get along.” Immoral people need to be called out, not patted on the back and told they’re OK.
Deborah 2 year s ago

The people you consider having "lower standards" are gay I bet, right? If you hate someone just because they love someone you don't approve of then I think who REALLY has the lower standards...
It's pretty simple; unless they hurt someone let people do what they want.
Sondra 2 year s ago
#5 For anyone who thought journalism is about the truth, and not about making money for the entity producing it, You are a complete Idiot. It's always been about doing whatever you can to get people to read what you right.

When they write about someone you disagree with, it's misinformation, when it's something you agree with, it's factual.
Sheldon 2 year s ago
Sondra, B.S. You haven't been alive very long, have you?
Julia 2 year s ago
Sheldon, my guess would be he’s been alive a lot longer than you. By your question we can tell you aren’t very wise.
Rhodella 2 year s ago
#2. You’ll own nothing, and be happy.
Lee 2 year s ago
And the mantra for the 21st Century is:

Sit down.
Shut up.
Do as you're told.
Julia 2 year s ago
Agree with most of these except for #16 - there is a good variety of cars right now - Smarts, BRZs, trucks, SUVs, Porsche, - the list is lengthy.
Michael 2 year s ago
#3 just use the older version
Jacobus 2 year s ago





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