People Reveal Some Hidden Industry Secrets (18 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       10 Nov 2022       3112       8 GALLERY VIEW

"In housekeeping, we do not change out the big comforter on top. Just the sheets underneath enjoy your next stay!"


"Assistant teacher here. I just started and this isn’t much of a surprise, but I was still a little weirded out when hearing firsthand that the teachers do indeed pick favorites and talk abt students and other teachers literally 90% of the time"


"Teacher here: Your child tells us about everything that happens at home. EVERYTHING. Every – little – detail."



"We aren’t actually looking to see if we have whatever you asked for in the back."


"If you’re mean to me, I go in the back and take selfies and then come out and tell you we don’t have it (even if we do)"


"Restaurant worker. If you’re mean to me, I shake your food as I close it so that some of it falls to the floor and you get less. If I’m really feeling frisky, I might even throw out your dipping sauce. But myself or my coworkers would never do anything to make your food unsafe."



"Pharmacist (hospital-based UK). I never tell people how I catch several potentially fatal prescribing mistakes every single day at work. I don’t want people to stop trusting their doctors, and they would if they saw how bad it is. (Not all doctors are bad prescribers, but most are overworked and tired, mistakes are easily made in a busy hospital)."


"When you go out to eat, so many people have touched that lemon that you wanted in your water. And terrible things grow in ice machines and soda guns. Lots of places don’t clean them often enough."


"At the start of the pandemic, we were asked to let ALL students pass…regardless of performance, as long as they submitted the tasks. This was because of a transitional period from face-to-face to online."


"Residential gardener here. We’re definitely peeing in your yard somewhere. I’ve got a location at every single client’s house that I use."


"A lawyer here. Most of our job is just copying and pasting templates and inserting your name in the blank fields."


"When a police officer offers you a glass of water, it’s a way to get fingerprints. It’s completely legal. This is actually an age-old tactic, but the public doesn’t seem to know about it much. It isn’t really like a huge secret, but more like food for thought."


"I’m an 18-year-old bartender and every time someone asks me what some fancy wine or beer tastes like I will make it up on the spot. I have no clue and frankly, I do not care"


"Hairstylist here, we are highly educated in ways of destroying or transforming your hair. I work from home charge way less than salons; the fee is high and it’s generic price even for a bad Hairstylist she/he can still charge you $200 and basically use you as practice without informing you that they are BRAND new to the industry."


"Years ago I worked in a sect of collections for a bank. I helped find cars to repossess. Please make everything on your social media accounts private and don’t share your every move with the world. They’ll find it, call the tow company, and your car will be towed after you told someone you’d be at whatever concert on a Saturday night."


"Receptionist. I at least pretend to be nice to the people who come into my work when the reality is I hate 99.9% of them."


"Not my current job but my old one. Wedding tax is 100% real. I worked at a winery that rented out event space. The regular event and wedding were identical packages – except the wedding package was almost triple the cost. You had the same rules, same amenities, same # of staff."


"I work in a restaurant.. dishes don’t get washed the way you think they do.. since then I’ve made a habit to ask for a to-go cup instead of a regular and always check my silverware."


"Finance Manager. The bank gives us a bunch of interest rates for you… but we pick which one we want to give you. But everyone believes the rate we pick because the bank gave us that rate. (Car dealership) but don’t tell them you know this info."


"Environmental scientist for the government: we use an absurd amount of plastic waste. I mean absurd. We consider it sterile so everything is covered/wrapped/bagged in plastic. Ironic."




Ezra 2 year s ago
#2 I believe it. A recent study also found that good looking students grades dropped during the pandemic.
#4 Online ordering before the pandemic: missing items. Online ordering during the pandemic: missing items. Interaction with the waitress: zero.
#8 So does my dog, no big deal. But if you have to take a cr#p knock on my door, I'll defininely let you in to use the bathroom.
#9 Brothers a trial lawyer, he does many hours of research and prep for his cases. Defininetly not fill in the blank work.
#14 And a 100% of them don't care. Just do your job, that's all they care about.
#16 Yep, I believe it. I've found dried food on forks, knives, spoons.
Midge 2 year s ago
meh..your brother is about to be replaced by AI. Machines can do research and analysis a lot faster than today's lawyers.
Harold 2 year s ago

yeah, but machines need to be oiled and you what that does to your hair.
Tillie 2 year s ago
I used to work for a long distance phone company. We were definitely ripping you off in every way that we could.

Former customer service guy here. If you were an @$$, we'd put you on "hold," which was actually just muting our end of the line. Then we'd read or something for a bit, all the while listening to you on the other end. If you were screaming or cursing or otherwise carrying on, we'd leave you on "hold" for a considerable length of time, then simply disconnect you.
Midge 2 year s ago
#5 well yeah in hospitals, one person everyday dies from malpractice. they used to be called death buildings and nobody went. but that changed after standards were raised and then hospitals advertised. now it's out of control with shots.
Midge 2 year s ago
#12 well thats obvious, but why did you capitalize "brand"? just proves my point about hairstylists IQ level
Tine 2 year s ago
#15 Wedding tax? Wedding are far more work than a birthday party or engagement. Like a lot more.
Cameron 2 year s ago
#5 Go universal health care! Not surprised at all that UK doctors are overworked and sloppy. Government run *anything* is always inferior.





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