"My Parents On Their Wedding Day In 1964 And Then Again At Christmas 2021"
"Hattie Mcdaniel Accepting Her Oscar In A Segregated "No Blacks" Hotel In Los Angeles For Her Role In Gone With The Wind"
"Simone Segouin, Mostly Known By Her Codename, Nicole Minet, Was Only 18-Years-Old When The Germans Invaded"
"Her first act of rebellion was to steal a bicycle from a German military administration, and to slice the tires of all of the other bikes and motorcycles so they couldn't pursue her. She found a pocket of the Resistance and joined the fight, using the stolen bike to deliver messages between Resistance groups. She was an extremely fast learner and quickly became an expert at tactics and explosives. She led teams of Resistance fighters to capture German troops, set traps, and sabotage German equipment. As the war dragged on, her deeds escalated to derailing German trains, blocking roads, blowing up bridges and helping to create a German-free path to help the Allied forces retake France from the inside. She was never caught. Segouin was present at the liberation of Chartres on August 23, 1944, and then the liberation of Paris two days later. She was promoted to lieutenant and awarded several medals, including the Croix de Guerre. After the war, she studied medicine and became a pediatric nurse. She is still going strong at 96."
"German Anti-Nazi Political Activist, Sophie Scholl, Was Executed In 1943 For Leading Non-Violent Student Resistance Against Hitler"
"She was 21 years old. Her last words: "How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause. Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?""
Izismile Videos
"This Is A Photo Of Dr. Eugene Lazowski, A Polish Doctor Who Saved 8,000 Jews By Creating A Fake Typhus Epidemic In Stalowa Wola (Nazi Occupied Poland), 1943"
"Holocaust Survivor And The Soldier Who Rescued Her In 1944"
"During World War 2, John Mackay was part of the Scottish commando unit that rescued a group of prisoners from the Nazis as they were being marched from Auschwitz to another concentration camp. Little did he know that amongst the prisoners was a young Hungarian woman by the name of Edith Steiner. He would see her again at a dance, which was organized to celebrate the liberation. John asked a friend to ask Edith if she would dance with him, but she sent his friend back with the message that she would only do so if he asked her out himself. So John worked up the courage to go up to her and ask her in person, and she accepted. In 1946, they married and returned to Scotland where they owned and operated a small hotel in Pitlochry before retiring in Dundee. After celebrating their 71st Valentine's Day together, Edith passed away in June of 2017, just three weeks before their wedding anniversary. She was 92 years old."
"This Is Franca Viola, An Italian Woman Who Became Famous In The 1960s For Publicly Refusing To Accept The Twisted Tradition Of Marrying Her Rapist"
"Sussy, 1917, Sweden"
"This Is Margaret Ann Neve At Age 110 In 1902. She Was Born In 1792 And Died In 1903, Making Her The First Proven Person In Recorded History To Have Lived In 3 Different Centuries"
"This Is 18-Year-Old Alice Roosevelt And Her Long-Haired Chihuahua Named Leo In 1902"
"She also had a pet snake named Emily Spinach who she would wrap around on one arm and take to parties. Alice was extremely independent and unlike many women of her time, she was known to wear pants, drive cars, smoke cigarettes, place bets with bookies, dance on rooftops, and party all night. In a span of 15 months, she managed to attend 300 parties, 350 balls and 407 dinners. A friend of Alice’s stepmom once remarked that she was “like a young wild animal that had been put into good clothes.” Her stepmom went a step further and described her as a “guttersnipe” that went “uncontrolled with every boy in town.” William Howard Taft banned her from the White House after Alice buried a voodoo doll (of Taft’s wife) in the front yard. Woodrow Wilson also banned her after she told a very dirty joke (sadly no record of the joke exists) about him in public. Her father, Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” Alice once told President Lyndon B. Johnson that she specifically wore wide-brimmed hats around him so that he could not kiss her. During an interview in 1974, Alice described herself as a “hedonist.” She died in 1980 at the age of 96."
"Bob Ross With His Pet Squirrels, 1991"
"In 1948, A Man Wore 30-Pound, Three-Toed Lead Shoes And Stomped Around A Florida Beach During The Night"
"The footprints lead people to believe that a 15-foot tall penguin was roaming their lands. He kept up the prank for 10 years, visiting various beaches. The hoax wasn't revealed until 40 years later."
"86-Year-Old Lao Huang, A Cormorant Fisherman Living In Yangshuo, China"
"A Lion Walks Alone In The Desert"
"This is a 1925 photo of possibly the last Barbary lion in the wild before its extinction. It was taken by French photographer Marcelin Flandrin while he was onboard a flight on the Casablanca-Dakar air route."
"Dolly Parton At Home In Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, 1960s"
"Hanukkah In Kiel, Germany, 1932"
He did nothing wrong.