"VHS tapes rewinding"
"The creaky spring in Pogo sticks."
"Dial up connection
"A chorus of annual cicadas and trains in the distance at night. I grew up in a medium sized town in the southeast U.S. and that’s what every summer night sounded like. Now I live in a bigger city in a more northern state and it’s just cars and city noise at night. I miss it, it was the best white noise to sleep to."
"A ringing telephone"
"The coo of mourning doves. Where’d they go!?"
"The white noise sound of the tv when a channel had no reception"
"Ice cream trucks"
"A manual typewriter being typed on"
"School bells"
"Weird water bed sounds….."
"CDs skipping"
"Movie trailers that were narrated"
"Dime/quarter dropping into a pay phone, and that second sound of it falling again after you hang up."
"That sound your speakers made right before you were about to get a call on your cell phone"
The chuff of corduroy pants.