“The restaurant I went to last night had a shrine to Nicolas Cage in the toilet”
“30 years difference in Duplo sheep.”
“The green bean size difference between the No Salt Added can and regular can.”
“The remains of this hammer stuck in asphalt.”
“I grew a perfectly square salt crystal”
“A cross section of the wire that supplies power to my house..”
“The way this tag frayed looks like my jacket has been inhabited by a large insect.”
“This off brand Pepto bismol is just called “stomach”
“My Walgreens brand Tylenol capsule is just a pill with a removable shell on either side.”
“Attachment for massage gun is made to look (and feel) like a finger”
“The result of my family putting all of our fruit stickers on our fridge for the past several years.”
“Bangkok subway station shows how many calories you will burn by taking the stairs”
“On the US $100 bills there are slits on the blue ribbon to deter counterfeits.”
“The aglet on my coat is secured with a tiny screw.”
“My Tongue Piercing leaves lines in my ice-cream.”
"The prize car at this dying mall is an 18 year old Corvette"
"This Little Caesars has their "upsell" instructions displayed on their front counter."
Oh Good Grief, and I spelled "Wood" Would.
The only logical explanation is hibernating long-legged Alien millipedes that are now running amok in the country side.
I mean...duh.
The labeling is not plausible.
Usuallay, the tag is "Made in Germany" and even without the "Made in", the country's name has a typo.
It's german (<-- adjective) Chrome-Molybdän-Vanadium-steel, processed into a knife in China.
I think I've had that one (they sell it at Wal-Mart) and while I wish I hadn't read the ingredients it tasted fine (actually it was quite tasty)...
#8 Vapo-Rub, is just called, "Balls."
You obviously don't understand the reason behind a tongue piercing.
Might have something to do with changes in pressure at various altitudes.