Famous Films And Shows That Had To Recast Their Stars (30 PICS)

Posted in CELEBS       13 Feb 2023       4643       3 GALLERY VIEW
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Stuart Townsend As Aragorn In "The Lord Of The Rings" Movies, Replaced By Viggo Mortensen

When production for Lord of the Rings began, Stuart Townsend, a relatively unknown actor in the business, barely lasted a few days as Aragorn. When the director realized Townsend was too young to play the Strider, he quickly cast Viggo Mortenson, who delivered a truly legendary performance.


Heath Ledger As Tony In "The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus", Replaced By Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell And Jude Law

To replace the talent that is Heath Ledger, three actors had to portray the character of Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. With Heath Ledger passing away, leaving a part of the movie unfilmed, Depp, Farrell, and Law portrayed Tony in a way that highlights the story. Ultimately, the movie is a tribute to Heath Ledger.


Sylvester Stallone As Axel Foley In "Beverly Hills Cop", Replaced By Eddie Murphy

Sylvester Stallone sought to change the screenplay when he got chosen to play Axel Foley. His character would have had more heroism, making Alex a legitimate action hero. The perspective was dismissed, and Eddie Murphy, who gave the movie its distinct charm, took Stallone's place.


Eric Stoltz As Marty McFly In "Back To The Future", Replaced By Michael J. Fox

Marty McFly wouldn't be the iconic character without the involvement of Michael J. Fox. Because of scheduling conflicts, Eric Stoltz got cast as Marty. However, his portrayal of the character and overall bad comedic timing was not quite what director Robert Zemeckis was looking for, and he effectively got recast.


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Johnny Depp As Gellert Grindelwald In "Fantastic Beasts" Movies, Replaced By Mads Mikkelsen

Johnny Depp seems like a natural fit for the wizarding world of Harry Potter, so it was only natural that fans were happy with his casting. Sadly, when the Depp-Heard scandal hit society, he was practically fired, and Mads Mikkelsen replaced him in the Fantastic Beasts movies. Hopefully, we will see Depp on the big screen soon.


Dougray Scott As Wolverine In "X-Men", Replaced By Hugh Jackman

The Wolverine we know and love today is usually the one portrayed by Jackman, but Dougray Scott, who was already pretty well-known in 1999, was slated to play the gruff hero. Hugh Jackman got the part when Scott's other movie took longer than expected to finish, and the rest, as they say, is history.


Chris Farley As The Voice Of Shrek In "Shrek" Movies, Replaced By Mike Myers

Chris Farley, a veteran of Saturday Night Live, was recruited to voice the title character in the 1995 film Shrek. Sadly, Farley passed away in 1997. Farley's rendition got left abandoned in favor of fellow SNL veteran Mike Myers. Myers insisted on using his distinctive Scottish accent for the role.


Terrence Howard As James Rhodes In "Iron Man" Movies, Replaced By Don Cheadle

Terrence Howard, James Rhodes in Iron Man, is not a stranger to rumors and controversies. Legends are that Howard got fired for multiple reasons — poor performance and salary disputes being some of them. Don Cheadle came to replace Howard and give a face to the War Machine character.



Hugo Weaving As Red Skull In "Avengers" Movies, Replaced By Ross Marquad

Hugo Weaving portrayed an excellent Red Skull, so it was only natural for the Marvel executives to try and get him for several movies. Because of monetary problems, Weaving couldn't portray the character for Infinity War, and Ross Marquand came to replace him. A professional voice impressionist, Marquand copied Weaving in almost every aspect.


Edward Norton As The Hulk, Replaced By Mark Ruffalo

Sometimes, even an A-list actor is not worth keeping around. While Mark Ruffalo might be the face of the modern Hulk, Edward Norton was the second to play it in the 21st century. Luckily, the Hulk got recast when Marvel started to look for a more group-friendly face. In their crosshairs came Ruffalo, the original first choice for Hulk.


Claudia Wells As Jennifer In "Back To The Future", Replaced By Elisabeth Shue

In the original movie, Jennifer was seen only at the start and at the end, and Claudia Wells got the role. When it came time to film the sequel, Wells did not reprise her acting role due to family problems. Forced to recast the role, Elisabeth Shue auditioned and got the part of Jennifer.


Katie Holmes As Rachel Dawes In "The Dark Knight" Trilogy, Replaced By Maggie Gyllenhaal

Christopher Nolan wanted Katie Holmes to portray Rachel Dawes for both Batman movies, but because of scheduling and personal problems, she had to refuse it. Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes and acted in one of the best Batman movies ever. The good thing is that there are no hard feelings on all sides.



Dick York As Darrin Stephens In "Bewitched", Replaced By Dick Sargent

Richard York had a severe back ailment from an incident in 1959 that he got while working a set. In 1969, when Daddy Does His Thing was under production, Richard passed out and was taken to the hospital. Shortly after, Richard Sargent got cast in the show, and left the show shortly after.


Colin Firth As The Voice Of Paddington In "Paddington", Replaced By Ben Whishaw

Colin Firth was the original voice of the adorable bear. Firth willingly left the movie as it became clear to all parties involved that his voice was not the right one for the part. Without Ben Whishaw's unique demeanor, which he imparts to the two flawless movies, it is difficult to conceive the marmalade master.


Conan Stevens As The Mountain In "Game Of Thrones", Replaced By Ian Whyte And Then By Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson

In Game of Thrones, The Mountain is a character who has been played by a lot of actors. Conan Stevens portrayed him in season one due to his physical characteristics. Ian Whyte then took up the role, becoming him for season two, before getting replaced by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson. He seems to fit the description almost point to point.



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Credits:  www.boredpanda.com

Britt 1 year ago
not a movie buff, so most of these are really unknown
Josh 1 year ago
Movie buff here. I was with it up to #12, but after that it was mostly (sh#te) TV, so the only other one I knew The Mummy.
Also, how would anyone be able to tell when some background character in GoT was replaced? There were a ton of them, and they all looked the same.
Rena 1 year ago
It was hard enough to keep track of all the characters in GoT as it was. Changing actors added to the confusion.





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