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And again, there is someone who doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender.
Who decides what is abnormal? You?
YOU don't understand the issue.
It has nothing to do with your life if someone wants to be that way.
You obviously are not friends with these people.
Unless you actively seek it out and can ignore the few times a year you see it in the news you'll never even know they exist.
Learn not everyone is like you and that that's ok.
Grow up.
Get a life.
Get a hobby.
I hear stamp collecting is nice.
If you believe your toaster talks to you, that's fine - you do you. Just don't expect me to play along.
See there's that nonsense your side is known for... Comparing something a relatively few people would do with the untold millions that just want to love that they want no matter their gender and the people that just want to dress, live, and be they feel they are.
Stellar job!
When you lefties keep changing the definitions of words, it's hard to keep up.
A riot from the Left is a peaceful protest.
A riot from the Right is an insurrection.
When words have no meaning, there is no communication.
Yeah... but storming the Capitol IS kinda an insurrection... And destroying the interior like a pack of wild beasts while looking for conspiracy theory nonsense that obviously never existed is not that peaceful...
The left never did that...
And no one keeps changing definitions. Most of these definitions have existed for decades. And gay or lesbian people or people that felt like they were another gender for example have existed since the beginning of humanity. Stories from people over the world and every era show it.
It's almost like it's... normal if someone's a bit different than you...
But burning down buildings and destroying a police department & federal building is just 'peaceful protesting'?
How many government officials were killed during the "insurrection"? Do you even understand what an insurrection is?
Yes... Burning down buildings is not peaceful.
1 It's not like during the BLM protests people were killed by them en masse like you seem to suggest.
2 A lot of people after having encountered police violence and brutality, either themselves of family and friends, might get angry enough to go too far.
And the numbers and reports back up the truth of it.
A little different reason than an Imaginary vote fraud.
Not an excuse for BLM but a lot more understandable than the trumpies.
3 During most protests there are people that just want to riot that are not part of the protesters. Just like almost all BLM protesters are peaceful. There are always only a few that do violence.
And it was very clear most of the destruction in Capitol attack all were very much done by the protesters themselves.
Overall most BLM protests were peaceful.
"According to a report from the U.S. Department of Homeland security, over 200 federal buildings were damaged during Black Lives Matter protests between May and July 2020. The report found that the majority of the damage was caused by graffiti, with windows being broken in almost half of the incidents."
"The report also found that the BLM protests were generally peaceful, with violence and destruction of property occurring in a small minority of cases. In most instances, the damage to federal buildings was minor and easily repaired. However, a number of government buildings sustained more serious damage, including several that were set on fire."
As if no one in the government believes in it...
No those governments don’t "pretend".
The let their people be free as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
Those governments don't whine when someone wants to be who they want to be.
Unlike SOME people....
True !
#12 In the case of Germany well yes but actually no.
#15 Seriously shoes at home that is just wrong.