"Toy Story 3. Perfect end to the series, ruined by cash grabbing. TS4 is good, but it was completely unnecessary"
"The Matrix. I find it hilarious that the end of the first one is basically the same exact thing as the end of the fourth one. (Neo flys off all powerful after the baddies are defeated) just a whole bunch of bullsh#t in between."
"I thought “Saw” was perfect for a standalone. I found the train of torture-p*rn that followed completely unnecessary."
"Enchanted was beautiful, amazing cast and one of the best Disney endings just cuz of how everyone gets their own happy ending.
Then Disenchanted came and just shat all over it"
Mulan 2 is probably the worst of the direct to DVD Disney sequels and that’s saying something. It isn’t just a bad movie, it outright detracts from the message and themes of the first."
"The first jaws was good. The rest….."
"Hocus Pocus. And now they’ve announced a third."
"Alien 3 started by killing off Newt. Ripley descended into Hell to save Newt in Aliens (2) and then Newt doesn’t even survive hypersleep."
"The mummy returns. not even the ending more just that the third movie S#CKEDDDD. Allegedly one of the reasons Rachel Weisz wasn’t in it is because she read the script and it was SO BAD that she didn’t wanna do the movie. They should’ve honestly just left it there; I hate when movies replace actors and act like nothing happened"
"Pacific Rim"
"Shrek 2 was where it should have ended."
"Home Alone – great
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York – great
Others – shouldn’t exist."
"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
I mean Indy riding into sunset, what a beautiful end to the series … But no …"
"You mean The Mask had a son? And they made a movie about it?"
"American Psycho.
The 2nd one makes 0 sense, absolutely nothing about it relates to the first movie. They have “Bateman” in it for a minute murdering someone and completely throw-out the fact that most of the first movie was all in Bateman’s head by making him a serial killer (spoiler: who gets murdered by a child.)"
"Independence day, the sequel was so bad and unnecessary."
But one is missing: Rambo. 1 good, rest sh*t.
First one was already a complete CGI ripoff of pocahontas story. The CGI was just way ahead its time, but other then that? come one, the movie is pretty mediocre
I wouldn't know, I don't watch children's movies. I also didn't see Pocahontas.