"When the Portuguese introduced chili peppers to Japan in the 16th century, rather than being eaten they were commonly put into socks to keep toes warm. "
"Blockbuster’s last slogan was “That’s all folks!”"
"Antivenom is actually obtained by using milked venom from said species and injecting it into a sheep where antibodies are made and harvested from its blood."
"The iconic ‘scream’ made by WW2 dive bombers is produced by two separate acoustic devices mounted to the wings, known as a ‘Jericho Trumpet(s)’ and serve no purpose beyond intimidation."
"In the early days of baseball, players would often steal across the field from first base to third."
"Cockroaches are so repulsed by humans that if they’re touched by a human, not only do they run away, but they wash themselves"
"The estimated number of individual insects currently hopping, crawling or flying around our planet at any given moment is about 10 quintillion, meaning there are about 2 billion insects for every human being. "
"Jupiter is so large that it and the Sun mutually orbit a point outside of the Sun itself."
"In 2014, an Austrian woman’s fire stove exploded when she used a piece of wood that grew around a WWII grenade that was stuck in it."
"The $100 bill has almost surpassed the $1 bill as the most common US currency denomination in the world. "
"November 28, 2012 was the most peaceful day New York City has ever had, without a single reported murder, shooting, stabbing or other incident of violent crime. "
"Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings."
"The smell of coffee reduces the stress caused by sleep deprivation and damage caused by stress"