"O’Hare airport is named after an Edward O’Hare, an American fighter pilot who was the lone defender during an attack on his carrier. He was killed leading the first night defense against a Kamikaze attack. Two years earlier, his own father was murdered for being the only man willing to testify against Al Capone."
"Matt Stone and Trey Parker wanted to make a spoof of “The Day After Tomorrow”, called “The Day After The Day After Tomorrow.” It was going to be a shot-for-shot puppet remake , and they wanted to release it the day after the original film. Their lawyers advised them against it."
"“Peter Pan” is the only UK copyright which has been extended in perpetuity, meaning Great Ormond Street Hospital can receive royalties from it forever. This has earned it the name “The Copyright which never grows up.”"
"Heath Ledger was the first actor to ever win an academy award for the portrayal of a character in a superhero movie. "
"Rapper Ice-T served four years in the Army, was a Squad Leader for the 25th Infantry Division, and received an Honorable Discharge."
"When the movie “Clue” was shown in theaters, different theaters were given 1 of 3 different endings."
"An Indian farmer discovered that he had been declared legally dead when he tried to apply for a bank loan. He then spent 19 years trying to prove to the government that he was actually alive."
"Sleep deprivation can temporarily act as an antidepressant. "
"In 2010, a 3-year old boy playing with his father’s metal detector for the first time in England discovered a 16th century golden pendant estimated to be worth $4 million."
"Buddhist master Drukpa Kunley’s penis was known as the “Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom” because of its ability to spark enlightenment and drive away evil spirits. Women from all over the world visited him to receive his blessing."
"The Bajau People who live in the middle of the sea, rarely go on land, have no nationality, no fixed abode, no money and go spear fishing with no scuba gear."
"Cats don’t have taste receptors that react to sweet things. This means that cats, from lions and tigers right down to domestic felines, cannot taste anything sweet. "
"The South Pole is 9,301 feet above sea level, but 9,000 feet of that is ice."
"McDonalds’ added drive-thru in 1975 to accommodate soldiers who were not allowed to get out of their cars while wearing their fatigues. "
"The South Pole is 9,301 feet above sea level, but 9,000 feet of that is ice."