"Orville Wright of the Wright brothers lived long enough to see Chuck Yaeger break the sound barrier and travel on an airliner that had a wingspan equal to the distance he covered in his first flight (37m) "
"When Harvard opened, they didn’t have calculus classes because *calculus hadn’t been invented yet.*"
"Oxford University celebrated its 200th graduating class by the time the Aztec Empire started in Central America."
"The last mammoths lived at the time the pyramids were under construction."
“I always found it strange that Victorian England and the Wild West happened at the same time.“
“I watched the first moon landing with a woman who’d been in Paris for Lindbergh’s first transcontinental flight landing.“
"Dali designed the Chupa Chups lollipop logo."
"Nintendo was founded when Jack the Ripper was roaming the streets of London."
"Samurai, the fax machine, and Abraham Lincoln all existed at the same time"
"Something that oddly did NOT exist at the same time: Tyrannosaurus Rex is closer in time to humans than to a Stegosaurus."
"In 1922, Betty White and the Ottoman Empire both existed."
"People walked on the moon before we put wheels on a suitcase."
"The Qing Dynasty of China collapsed in 1912, the same year as the Titanic disaster."
"Salvador Dali attended an Alice Cooper concert once"
"Prisoners began to arrive to Auschwitz a few days after McDonald’s was founded."
The year 525 wasn't 525 until a monk called Dionysius Exiguus said it was. He was the one who determined the year of Jesus' birth. Before it was AD 1, it was AUC 754 of the Roman Empire.
Also, the modern Gregorian calendar wasn't put into effect until 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII.
and now it's 2023 C.E.