Financial Disasters: People Recall Their Worst Money Moves (20 GIFS)

Posted in GIF       15 Aug 2023       2147       1 GALLERY VIEW

"A friend of mine who is very bad with money and his girlfriend bought some sort of water filtration system from a door to door salesman. He has to pay something like $300/month for this filtration system. He was all stoked because it came with a free set of pots and pans.

Fast forward a year and his girlfriend has broken up with him, moved out of the house, and he’s had to sell his home because he can’t afford to live there. The water filtration system is now sitting in a storage unit where he still pays $300/month for it because he’s on a 2 or 3 year contract (sorry the details are fuzzy).

We have great water quality in my area."


"A guy in my fraternity got 30k for an undisclosed reason, I’m guessing a family death or something and he bet it all on the Yankees winning one game. They lost"



"21yo living in Dad’s basement paycheck to paycheck went to a reptile exhibit and brought home two exotic frogs and a snake [because they didn’t have enough money for a bearded dragon]"


"My coworker has 25k in anime figurines. He is in mega debt right now."



"My roommate buys doordash almost every day. They’ll maybe cook for themselves once or twice a week but other than that they order food in 5-6 times a week. I know how much they make and I have not a clue how they can afford that."


"I knew someone who got a loan for their wedding, but decided to blow it all at a casino. Now they have a loan for 20k to pay off and nothing to show for it."


"My cousin spent 100% of her inheritance and took out a lien on her home to buy a 2nd home in the mountains… thing is it was being pushed over by a mountain…and they thought they could fix it… I went and seen it and every door jam was crooked and the doors wouldn’t shut.. They took me down into the basement and they were trying to use I beams to “stop the mountain from pushing on the home”. I was just like “what the hell are you doing, that won’t solve anything” fast forward 6 months and they asked me for 50k to help and I declined.

Fast forward a year and the home collapsed and now they owe over 300k+ for a home that doesn’t exist and if they don’t make the payments they lose their other house too because they used the original home as collateral and could not get insurance on the 2nd money lost upwards of 700k."


"Worked with a 50 year old guy who looked like the arse end of a Rhino and hated anyone not from England who sent £10k to his fiancé in Thailand he’d never met for a boob job, clothes and flight over ….. oddly enough her naked pics and promises of anal when she visited stopped once the money had been sent."


"A guy I dated for a short time had been joining a MLM scheme selling insurances. I listened to his monologue and told him I had no money. He was furious and tried to sell insurance to our waiter at the restaurant. He failed again. I’m still laughing today, he was not a good guy."


"My (awful) aunt was the trustee for my grandparents’ estate. When they passed, she decided to sell their house to a random realtor who put a leaflet on the door. TO the realtor, not WITH the realtor. It wasn’t put on the market, and the aunt rejected a matching offer by me after I argued hard to actually list the house and have people bid on it.

The realtor slapped a new coat of paint on it and sold it a couple of months later for literally a million dollars more than she bought it for."


"My former sister-in-law had a thriving medical practice. She got so stressed that she joined the Scientologist and started taking their classes. She opened up five-six credit cards without telling my brother, maxed the cards out with hundreds of thousands in cash withdrawals, and gave it to that cult."


"My brother’s ex fell for a Craig’s list scam. She found a motorcycle and the guy “needed money up front to pay bills” before she even saw it. We told her don’t do it, it’s a scam. She said she already sent $1000. Of course, he was never available to show her the bike and we found out from my brother after they broke up she actually continued sending him money in hopes of getting the motorcycle. I think she was out $3,000 by the end."


"A coworker I used to have worked every second of overtime he could for several years to save up for a house. When he applied for the house loan, he based his mortgage payment on all of the overtime he had been working. I tried to tell him that wasn’t a good idea but he didn’t want to hear it. He ended up divorced a few years later because his wife got tired of him always working."


"My supervisor took out a loan against their 401k to pay their rent because “their credit cards were maxed.” Two weeks later, they bought a brand new 60k Lincoln with basically nothing down because “her daughter just had a baby and I need a bigger car for that.”"


"A dude who owned a small convenience store in our town spent like $20,000 on fidget spinners. He was posting for like a year begging people to buy them as he would lose his business and his marriage was falling apart due to it."


"Ran up credit card debt requiring bankruptcy. Once they were able to build credit again (7 years later) they proceeded to run up a massive amount of debt again, but couldn’t go bankrupt again, so they used “debt consolidation.”

The debt didn’t come from sudden expenses. They just needed to buy things to feel better."


"Had a co worker with 5 kids who could all go to USC for free once he has worked there for 15 years (even if he quit). He quit at 14.5 years for a job that barely paid more than he made at USC. Cost all 5 kids a free education at a top school since he couldn’t wait 6 more months."


"Cashed in their 401k to have a cocaine party."


"Put everything in his gf’s name to hide assets as he owed the IRS, the gf sold his business, cashed out his accounts and ran."


"My dad had his own company and someone told him it made financial sense that instead of paying himself wages, he should take out a loan from his company. He built up debt for three years, while working full time, rather than paying himself. It had all sorts of bad tax effects. Like he was required to pay interest on this, which was then taxed as profit of the company, then he paid himself again paying income taxes. It took him about ten years to get out of that hole.

Then he needed to sell his house because it was too expensive. But the buyer got cold feet on the last day before the sale. Rather than having the buyer pay 10% of the price to get out of the sale he gave him an extension without an end date. The buyer then took 2 years to think about whether he wanted the house.

All the while my parents needed to keep paying the mortgage and couldn’t sell the house to anyone else because of the contract they had with that guy. Brought them close to bankruptcy. I’ve personally paid a couple of hundred a month to let them pay for the mortgage during that time."




1   Comment ?
Abraham 1 year ago
Well I've got one that's not nearly as bad (financially) but looking back has caused me tons of problems. Getting a degree in something that you're good at (and at the time had plenty of jobs) but that you hate doing. Trust me going to work everyday to a career you hate isn't worth the paycheck (unless you make enough to retire after a couple years, which I didn't)...





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